Friday, January 31, 2020

Maths and Science in English

I applaud the PM’s decision to teach Maths and Science in English.
It’s definitely a step forward in ensuring our students are equipped to succeed in a world where English and science are important factors in a nations growth and prosperity.
However when this policy was last introduced then rescinded there were many factors that lead to it.
Among the chief reasons were the fact that the science and maths teachers weren’t proficient enough in English to deliver their subjects effectively.
We can’t have English teachers teaching maths and science but teachers who are science and maths graduates to teach well in English.
The reasons why the policy was reversed the first time should be studied deeply and the policy should only be implemented when all shortcomings and gaps are overcome.
Also a very comprehensive and deep engagement should take place with the stakeholders to ensure they see the importance and relevance of the policy and embrace the change.
This would also be key in making the policy a success.
These steps take time and the ministry should be given leeway time wise to comprehensively and holistically evaluate analyse and solve all issues so that in the future the policy isn’t reversed again.
MIC Education Bureau Chairman & Member of the Central Working Committee

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