QUOTE FROM (http://www.tunkuaisha.blogspot.com/) anwar and pkr has made this as big issue(temple demolition) during the 12th GE and promised the Indians that if they are given the chance to govern, there will be no more temple demolished but just look at the scenario now, Selangor is under them.where is hindraf? i guess this will be good lesson for Indians who have voted the pakatan during last GE. will you vote them again in the next GE?
Friday, October 23, 2009
QUOTE FROM (http://www.tunkuaisha.blogspot.com/) anwar and pkr has made this as big issue(temple demolition) during the 12th GE and promised the Indians that if they are given the chance to govern, there will be no more temple demolished but just look at the scenario now, Selangor is under them.where is hindraf? i guess this will be good lesson for Indians who have voted the pakatan during last GE. will you vote them again in the next GE?
Monday, October 19, 2009
- To provide an opportunity for national civil society and community based organisation to review the available analysis and recommendations for input into the Tenth Malaysian Plan.
- To receive input, feedback, criticism and recommendations on how to effectively address community issues and concerns.
- To institute a consultative process where there is a regular dialogue between key stakeholders responsible for the socio-economic development of the community.
- To foster closer partnership in ensuring that information and services reach the intended target group and grassroots.
- To ensure that there is effective monitoring and implementation of public sector services in order that the bottom 40% experiance social inclusion and are able to access the services and provisions.
For information, a National Consultation session is being organised by MIC on 5th November 2009 in Kuala Lumpur. Participants who would like to partake in this event must be a representative of an organisation as this consultative process set up for receiving input from civil society and community based organisations.
Details of all earlier policy activities pertaining to the Tenth Malaysia Plan in receiving input and analysis can be sited at:
If you would like to participate in this session, please do send me a request, as the number of seats are limited and the demand for participation is increasing i would urge anyone interested to immediately notify me via my email address : pkamalanathan@mic.org.my or via my facebook account.
I would also like to inform you that, your request in participating is not the confirmation that you would be able to attend the session, You would be notified via an official letter.
Hope to meet you on 5th November 2009.