What I am going to write today has got nothing to do with her graduation, but, what happened during her graduation. Not only it impressed me, but, it made me surprised, shocked and unbelievable. I sure as my friends who have been following my writings you would also be shocked (If you are a Malaysian – you will be shocked even more).
This is a true story and not written just for the sake of writing;
Indonesia it is not an Islamic state, however, it is the world's most populous Muslim-majority nation, with almost 86% of Indonesians declared Muslim according to the 2000 consensus. 11 % of the population is Christian, 2% are Hindu, and 1% Buddhist.
With such a huge Muslim population, I would imagine that they would be very strict and would be guided with plenty of Islamic Laws which is being practiced not only in Malaysia but many other Islamic state or nation.
I don’t know if I should say I was shocked or surprised when I saw the Vice Chancellor (a Muslim) handing over a copy of Bhagavad-Gita (a Hindu religious book) along with the scroll to her. Not only did my sister receive her Bhagavad-Gita, her friend, a Christian girl received a Bible.
I asked my sister if this is the normal procedures during graduation. She said YES and not only that, she went on to say that, she was also asked to take an oath in front of a Hindu priest on the day she received her status as a Medical Doctor.
AMAZING!!! Can this ever happen in TANAH TUMPAH NYA DARAH KU (The Land that I will die for)
At that moment, I was speechless, confused and shocked. A country with nearly 86% Muslim population is so very liberal and all this while I was under the impression that a Muslim cannot touch Bhagavad-Gita or a Bible and I learnt in Indonesia that it was wrong of me to think like that.
Now, I wonder if in Indonesia this is possible, can this be possible in Malaysia?
Would a Muslim become a Hindu or a Christian buy just handing over a Bhagavad-Gita or a Bible to a Hindu or Christian?
Will there be a day when a Vice Chancellor from a Public or Private University in Malaysia do the same thing which was done by the Vice Chancellor of the Universitas Andalas?
Although my sister did mention to me that she has to buy the Bhagavad-Gita herself and pass it on to the University, I guess for me it does not matter – but what is important is the fact that the University has got an excellent way to show their acceptance of any person’s religion and there would not be any favouritism shown to any students.
Is the first principle of RUKUNEGARA (Principles of the Nation). This means that we need to believe in GOD, irrespective of what religion we are. That line could also mean that we need to respect other religion as well in this country. It would be nice for us to start this system in the Malaysia by requesting the Malaysian University to implement what’s being done by our neighbours.
We should not be shy in copying certain action which is being implemented by our neighbours if it can bring UNITY amongst ALL MALAYSIANS.
I am sure buy a Muslim giving away a Bible or Bhagavad-Gita it would not make him a Christian or a Hindu and vice-versa.