Saturday, January 15, 2011


I would like to take this opportunity to wish all Malaysians a very Happy Ponggal.

Let us all celebrate Ponggal as a festival that unites Malaysians irrespective of their race, religion and back ground.

Let us also take this opportunity to show our appreciation to all the Farmers in Malaysia for working their hearts out just to ensure we get our food on our table. We thank the sun for giving enough ray of hopes not only to the farmers, but to have a enough yield in the paddy fields. We thank the earth for giving the right soil for our farmers to grow paddy and the cows and buffalos for working and helping the farmers plough the field - Have we thanked them - THIS IS THE DAY.

I will write more about Ponggal and the changes we have made to make Pongal as a festival of Malaysia - the journey that we took to popularize Pongal to what it is today.