This was my first Deepavali as a member of Parliament.
It was indeed a memorable one, besides being able to assist almost 1,000 constituents before the festive season, I also manage to organise a 'Open House' at the Bukit Beruntong Golf Club which was attended by more than 4,000 constituents.
In such a short time (6 months & 13 days) after becoming a member of Parliament, it was indeed not an easy task. Many of my friends - near and far, leaders and members of local Barisan Nasional component parties, opposition party members, Non-Governmental Organisations members, Residents Association members, Rukun Tetangga members, heads of departments and staffs of local government agencies and many more of them came, but what made me happy was the constituents - they came in full force, they begin to arrive as early as at 5:30 p.m and was there till we finished at 10:30 p.m.
A trully 1Malaysia presence was seen in the hall - Malays, Chinese, Indians and also Orang Asli, they were treated equally and we also manage to give out some more assistance for senior citizens as well as to a few poor and needy friends as well.
I would also like to thank my fellow MP friends YB Kinabatangan (YB Datuk Bung Moktar Radin), YB Sabak Bernam (YB Datuk Abdul Rahman Bakri) and YB Jasin (YB Datuk Wira Haji Ahmad bin Haji Hamzah) for attending the 'Open House' along with YB Datuk Mohd. Idris, ADUN - Hulu Bernam, YB Datuk Mohd. Isa, ADUN - Batang Kali and YB Tuan Wong K M, ADUN - Kuala Kubu Bharu.
I would also like to extend my sincere gratitudes to the Deputy High Commissioner of Singapore Mr. Kevin Cheok and his wife, Mr. Sevala Naik and his wife from the Indian High Commission for attending the dinner.
My personal thanks to Y. Bhg. Datin Sri Indrani Samy Vellu for gracing the dinner along with Mr. S Vell Paari and his wife Puan Shaila Nair.
Thanks also to the Members of the MIC's Central Working Committee members, especially to my comrade Mr. Madhu Marimuthu, MIC Bahagian Selayang's Chairman Mr. P Palaniappan and YB Puan Usha Nandhini and her husband for accepting my invitation.
Not forgetting Mr & Mrs Wemel and to Mr. Keshwinder and his family and my fellow bloggers, facebookers and Twitter's - Thank You for being there.
and the list will go on and on, please forgive me if i did not mention your name, I met everyone of my invitees and my constituents and thanked them for attending this event.
I must say this Deepavali besides, being able to reach out to many of my constituents (more than 6,000), we were also able to put a light of brightness into the homes of many of my constituents, the lights may not be bright enough, but we have reached them and we will continue to reach them at all time.
This article would be meaningless if i dont appreciate and thank my team at PUSKAP (PUSat Khidmat Ahli Parlimen) Hulu Selangor. The entire programme was very well organised and i must congratulate Puan Mageswari - Pengarah Project and Encik Anwar Ridhawi (Co- Pengarah) and the entire organising team.
To all my Pegawai - Encik Md. Fuzi Abd. Lateh, Encik S Padmarajah, Encik S Yogendran and Ms Jessica Lai - Thank You for your assistance in supporting the PUSKAP team in organising the 'Open House'.
To Encik Fauzi Manivannan, Encik Khairul Nizam, Puan Julimaria, Encik V Balasubramaniam, Encik P Shri Shanmuganathan, Encik Mughilan and Encik M Ravi - thank you for organising the hamper and sumbangan handout programmes in all our DUN (Batang Kali, Kuala Kubu Bharu and Hulu Bernam).
Although i am sad, that a few of my friends were not there with me, but, i guess they had other events and programmes to attend to - NO worries mate's - we shall meet for dinner soon.