Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Friday, October 24, 2008
BLOG - Radio Televisyen Malaysia
I am indeed pleased to inform all of you that I would be appearing on a LIVE talk show over RTM 1 at 8:40 p.m. on 26th October 2008 (Sunday).
I do hope that you would spend some time watching this program and give me your comments. For my international readers; you may be able to watch the video clip of the documentary soon. I will keep you posted via this blog as well as my facebook.
Radio Televisyen Malaysia
Friday, October 10, 2008
We had a simple launch at the MIC headquarters in Kuala Lumpur a few days back and we are thankfull to our friends in the Media for attending and highlighting our project in both the print and electronic media.
Monday, September 22, 2008
YB KERK KIM HOCK (DAP) Democratic Action Party

Anyway, while I would like to congratulate both of them, I must say that I am not going to write about the wedding dinner. But more so on my meeting with one politician who I admire and look up to.
Kerk Kim Hock – many may have not heard of his name now days. But, he was once upon a time (not long ago actually) the 4th Secretary General of the Democratic Action Party (aka DAP).
A mechanical engineer by profession he was also a new generation of DAP leaders at his time. I was learning and was trying to understand politics in Malaysian when he was at his prime into politics.
What I admire about him was the ability to get his work done, without challenging anyone; he does not call other leaders for a public debate although he has the ability to present his opinion in his own way.
He will not be shy of praising a leader irrespective of the leaders’ ideology or the leaders’ political standing. Mr. Kerk Kim Hock has retired from active politics but he is still a Life Member of the DAP.
People will never forget that he was also one of the persons who were arrested under the ‘Operasi Lalang’, he was detained for 60 days.
I do hope he will continue to assist and share his experience with the younger generation irrespective if they are from DAP or not.
MY VIEWS…….I thank GOD for making me cross his path, I have learnt some valuable lessons and I hope to emulate some of his ideas and opinion. It is not important which political party you represent, but, what is important is to serve the community – sincerely.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008

I must thank P. Anka, J Revaux, G Thibault, C Fankois and off course Frank Sinatra for making the song ‘MY WAY’ so famous that every one in this world would want to use it for themselves (including me).
Actually I wish I could sing this song before I head to the box, but, then again, no one when will that time come.
Coming back to the final tenet of Rukunegara; A subject which has been spoken about at length by everyone not only in Malaysia but all over the world MORALITY.
Can you imagine that even in our own Rukunegara we have emphasized the importance of GOOD BEHAVIOR AND MORALITY, but then, how many of us do really care. I agree we are our own moral guardian and that no one can police it. But then again, we must make sure that we know what we are doing – right or wrong. I know I am not perfect as such I will be careful when I talk or advice to others, infact when some friends ask for an advice on a specific matter, I tell them frankly ‘I am not the best person to talk about this subject’.
In Malaysia and in any part of the world, I am sure individuals and groups conduct their affairs in such a manner as not to violate any of the accepted canons of behavior, which includes the abhorrence and rejection of any conduct or behavior which is arrogant or offensive to the sensitivities of any group even if it is the minority within the country.
At the same time, part of the GOOD BEHAVIOR AND MORALITY no one citizen should question the loyalty or another citizen on the ground that he or she belongs to a particular community.
MY VIEWS………..Lets serve the community to the best of our ability with RUKUNEGARA being the guiding factor.

We discussed a topic titled ‘PERJUANGAN TANPA NOKTAH’ translated in English ‘CHALLENGES WITHOUT A FULLSTOP’. Although the time allocated was rather short, but with an experienced moderator like Tuan Syed Munawar we were able to express our opinions within the specified time.
There were certain issues which were sensitive, but I guess, I have now learnt to deal with it in a very rationale and reasonable manner.
I am not certain when they would be screening the talk show, but, please be assured that I would be alerting those details in my face book.
MY VIEWS…… Gone were the days where the might of armed forces would determine the invasion of a country, now, some countries invade us using economical and political landscapes. As such, the challenge for us to manage our independence is not only without a full stop but it is infinity.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Having mentioned that, we need to be careful in exercising the freedom, even in countries so developed and so called ‘Super Power’ there are no such thing as FREEDOM in total. For example, just because a person feels that it is his right to say whatever he wants to say – citing the FREEDOM of speech, can he go inside a theater and shout ‘FIRE’. Off course, he may be arrested for causing panic to the other patrons of the theater.
As much as we want to have FREEDOM, we need to be cautious, we live in a country that is multi-racial, multi-religion, multi-culture and I can go on saying how different we are all are in this country. As such it is very important that we know what our limits are and we should work along those lines.
We must remember that the rights and freedoms guaranteed by the constitution do not include the right to overthrow the Government either by force or by other unconstitutional means. Although, off late there are a few politicians who are trying to overthrow the government and they want to rule the government using a back-door entry. I am sure they know what the constitution better than the ordinary citizens in this country and they should not mislead the people.
The Rule of Law is ensured by the existence of an independent judiciary with powers to pronounce on the constitutionality and legality or otherwise of executive acts.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008

I don’t know if I am wrong to think that there could be some people out there who hope and pray that we should be invaded* by bigger nation so that they could be popular and influential – I HOPE THAT THERE IS NO ONE OUT THERE.
(*Invade here need not mean an invasion of armed forces, but could also mean, financial invasion, political invasion and etc.)
Today I will be writing on the 3rd tenet of the Nation’s principle – Upholding the Constitution. Before I go on and writing more, let me briefly mention here the historical perspective of the constitution.
The basis of the Federal Constitution of Malaysia is the Constitution of the Federation of Malaya.
Following the Alliance’s landslide victory in the first Federal Election in 1955, Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra was appointed Chief Minister.
a) The position of the Malay Rulers.
b) Islam as the official religion of the Federation.
c) Position of the Malay language.
d) The special rights of the Malays and
e) Equal citizenship.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
I am indeed sure that as Malaysians, we are all aware that our country is a constitutional monarchy and the Yang di-Pertuan Agung (KING) is the sovereign Head of State. Parallel with this institution of the Yang di-Pertuan Agung (KING) as a constitutional monarch is the continued existence of the institution of the State Rulers (SULTAN) who are heads of their respective states.
Our KING, the Rulers and the Governors (Pulau Pinang, Malacca, Sabah and Sarawak) are symbols of unity and therefore stand above politics.
Which brings me to a situation which took place a few years back, when a group of so called ‘concerned citizen’ met-up with the Yang di-Pertuan Agung and informed him that he should not be attending the festival celebrations (i.e. Deepavali, Christmas and Chinese New Year). However, the KING put his foot down and explained to them that he is the KING for all Malaysians irrespective of their culture and religion as such he would not only continue attending such events but he would continue to encourage all Malaysians to participate in events of this nature.
The loyalty that is expected of every citizen is that he or she must be faithful and bear true allegiance to His Majesty the Yang di-Pertuan Agung and be a true, loyal and faithful citizen of the Federation.
While most Malaysians would fit in the above scenario’s easily, however there are a few, who would all the time seek popularity and sympathy outside Malaysia. To me, an action like that is likened to the BETRAYAL not only to the country but also to the KING.
Many Malaysian’s feel that the KING would not be able to listen to them, which in my opinion is wrong. We should take extra effort in seeking an audience with the KING and share with him our grievances.
MY VIEWS………I have always been loyal to the KING and the COUNTRY. I have today a sticker on car which says ‘DAULAT TUANKU’.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008

I have written an article on Singapore some months back (which was not that very good). While I admit there are certain areas that we should not follow our fellow Singaporeans, but, where there are lessons to be learned, I don’t think we should hesitate to learn from them.
I have learned plenty of things during this trip here to Johor Bahru.
Of course I would be implementing some of them soon and when the events do take place, I will definitely be honest to let you know that it was an idea that I picked up from the Singaporeans.
9th August 2008 – Singapore celebrated its 43rd birthday and like any other country who would celebrate their independence day with pomp and splendor - Singapore did the same. BUT, what caught my attention was the live TV message which was read by the Prime Minister of the Republic of Singapore, His Excellency Lee Hsien Loong.
While I must admit that there was nothing extraordinary in his speech, but what I admired most was – While HE Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong delivered his message in English, the Government of Singapore appointed an Indian representative of their cabinet to speak in Tamil and a Muslim representative of their cabinet to speak in Malay – both of them delivered the same text except it was delivered in their mother tongue.
For me, that was indeed a fantastic way to spread a message to the nation that the Singaporean government not only emphasizes on UNITY, but they also take great measures to ensure that their National Day message reaches each and every Singaporean by including the reading of the National Day text in Tamil and Malay. Of course, we can go on and debate that perhaps in reality, the minority is still not well taken care of – I choose not to debate on this matter, although 10 out of 10 of the recipients’ of the top National Day Awards were given to Singapore Chinese.
The moral of the story is; at least in the eyes of the world – it shows that in Singapore, the National day is actually a day where all the races celebrate it and it also shows that no one race would be left behind (or at least not seen to be left out) in the development.
My Views……Malaysia would be celebrating its 51st National Day celebrations at the end of this month. Perhaps, the government could consider Dato’ Seri S Samy Vellu and Dato’ Seri Ong Ka Ting to deliver a national day address in their respective mother tongue.
Saturday, August 2, 2008

With Malaysian’s about to celebrate its 51st National Day Celebration on 31st August 2008, many Malaysians are still not aware of the first tenet of the ‘5 Principals of the Nation (RUKUNEGARA)’ which is KEPERCAYAAN KEPADA TUHAN translated in English is BELIEF IN GOD.
Why I say that many Malaysians are not aware of the first tenet of the principle is because, some don’t even understand what is GOD and RELIGION all about.
Simply put, GOD is often conceived of as the creator and overseer of the universe. If one can understand the simple meaning of GOD then many things would be very easy.
In Malaysia – there has been no problems in practicing one’s religion. Off course, off late there have been some issues where once a Hindu or Christian converts to Islam, it is not impossible but it is difficult to reverse or embrace their former religion again. But then again, my question to them has always been - why convert in the first place?
Once upon a time - not long ago, I have seen Malaysian Muslim ministers, politicians walking into temples, churches as any other ordinary person, now we cannot see that. By walking into a mosque, church or a temple will not make me a Muslim, Christian or a Hindu and vice-versa and I think there is nothing wrong in walking into a worship place of any religion to pray – after all, GOD IS ONE.
I thought it was only in Malaysia that a non-Muslim could not get into a mosque, but, I was wrong. I was once in India and visited a Hindu temple and there was a sign to say ‘ONLY HINDU’s BEYOND THIS POINT’ – YES, I walked through, but a few tourists from UK did not and they left disappointed. I am sure they just wanted to go and see the temple and probably pray – so why restrict any one entering a worship place?
I recently had an opportunity to see a video recording of MIC’s (Malaysian Indian Congress) 20th year celebration which was attended by the Late Prime Minister Tunku Abdul Rahman, in that historic event a Muslim female singer was invited to the stage to sing a song and to my disbelief she actually sang a Hindu devotional type of a song – Malaysians at that time could accept it and had no problems with it. Can we get back those memorable moments? While many would argue that those moments are not possible – I would defer to that opinion. I see right now in Malaysia that there is a growing acceptance and understanding of other religion (please remember that acceptance and understanding of one religion does not mean that we are converting to that particular religion). However, all this can be destroyed if older generation does not support the learning of other religion.
I believe that the 1st tenet of the country’s principal is something that we all should not only abide by but we have to put efforts to ensure that it is being carried out.
Like what I have just said, I am Hindu and by me walking into a mosque, church or a budhist temple would not turn me into Muslim, Christian or a Budhist, but I guess it would surely make me a better person.
I hope one day we will all be able to do that (walking into any place of worship without any restrictions) – RELIGION is something personal and we should not do anything to hurt the RELIGION and their followers. No RELIGION tells us to hate anyone, No RELIGION tells us to kill anyone and yet this happens in the name of RELIGION.
I have always thought and still think that RELIGION and Politics should not mix and I will just leave that opinion there.
As how S Yogendran mentioned to me ‘Living in a multi-racial country, it’s about respecting every citizens religion, believes and their cultures’.
How many of us are doing that?
Are we as liberal as what we think we should be?
Have we taken the trouble to make others understand what is our culture and religion is all about?
I believe that no one will want to respect our culture and religion if we don’t respect it ourselves. It starts with us and let us not wait for others to make this happen.
MY VIEWS….I have started my journey in creating this awareness, it is indeed a long journey and it can only happen if you help me. HELP ME.
Friday, August 1, 2008

The number of calls and short-message-services (sms) that I have been receiving for the last one month was pretty unbelievable. After boosting my self with 1,000 hits a month, I suddenly went missing – no articles, no sound nothing at all.
Please accept my sincere apologies. As much as I want to write everyday, I just cannot do that for many reasons. But, whatever the reason may be, I am to be blamed for not writing.
I have now told my self that since this is the month of Merdeka (Independence) in Malaysia – I must write something which will be closely associated with the Independence Day of Malaysia – Nope I am not even thinking of Will Smith.
I have decided that I will be writing on a subject that is very close to my heart – The 5 Principles of the Nation (which is known as RUKUNEGARA).
There are 5 important values in the RUKUNEGARA and I would write on those values and sharing my opinion on each of those values.
I presented a paper during the World Public Relations Festival in New Delhi, India, the title of the paper was ‘Public Relations in a Plural Society’ and in my paper I concluded that if there are 2 (two) reasons why Malaysia will always be a multi-racial country and if there are 2 (two) reasons why the minorities in Malaysia would never be thrown away from the country is because of the RUKUNEGARA and the NATIONAL ANTHEM.
Read it as I share with you my opinion and you would notice that both the above have neither mentioned a religion or a specific race – and that is all about Malaysia.
It is indeed sad to note that the younger generation either doesn’t know the value of RUKUNEGARA or they are just not bothered about it at all.
By end of this month I would have at least posted 5 articles on each tenet’s of RUKUNEGARA. I would also include the opinion given to me by some friends and I would appreciate it if you could also share with me on your thoughts on each of the tenet.
My next posting would be on KEPERCAYAAN KEPADA TUHAN or BELIVE IN GOD.
My Views…..I want to do something to ensure the principles of the country is not only followed by each individual but also practiced.
p.s. As I was writing this information, I realized that I have just had my 10,000th visitor – THANK YOU for visiting my blog.
Thursday, June 26, 2008

Hmmm…. I’m impressed with my self.
Off course, as I have mentioned earlier, for some bloggerse they have their blogs being visited by at least 1,000 people a day or for some, hundreds and thousands of hits a day. One day, I will be there, but, today I am happy that I have had 1,000 hits in my page and in a matter of time I would be crossing the 10,000 hits, I am waiting for that day.
I started to blog in November 2006 and it has been 19 months of blogging experiences. Off course, technically talking, I should have had 190,000 hits, however since I am only a “seasonal blogger” I guess that’s the reason I could not reach that many hits and Thank GOD I did not get that many hits at once.
Once again, to all my friends where ever you may be….. THANK YOU * TERIMA KASIH * NANDRI * SHUKRIYA * GRACIAS * MERCI * VIELEN DANK * RINGRAZIARLA * DANK U * OBRIGADO * спасибо * SIA SIA NE.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008

In a conference i attended recently, the organiser asked me, if I preferred to be introduced as a politician or a public relations practitioner – It was an easy question to answer – I am a public relations practitioner and I practice public relations in my political career.
Having said that, for those who may not know what is the meaning of a politician, this piece of information may be useful. A politician is an individual who is involved in influencing public decision making through the influence of politics or a person who influences the way a society is governed through an understanding of political power and group dynamics.
Public relations practitioner is primarily responsible for managing the communications risks and opportunities of a business, both internally and externally. The public relations practitioner is also responsible for communications to a wide range of stakeholders of including but not limited to employees, shareholders, media, business influential’s, the press, the community and the public.
You may fine many similarities on their responsibilities and please believe me the similarity goes beyond that. I am saying this because I have been practicing public relations for the past 15 years and have also been involved in politics for the last 25 years. Having said that, now you can conclude that one of the reasons I got interested in politics was because of the enormous similarity between public relations and politics.
Dr. Steve Iseman, a member of the Commission for Public Relations Education and a professor of communication arts/public relations at Ohio Northern University said that Public Relations and politics are two concepts firmly entwined since the beginning of recorded time. For evidence from ancient times, take a look at Aristotle and his schools of rhetoric that taught the art of persuasive communication and in more recent times we have Dr. Edward Bernays (father of modern day public relations) who believes that public relations is an art applied to a science provide a clear connection between the two.
Public relations plays a role in politics in many ways. The public relations function of publicity is a great tool for gaining awareness for candidates and causes.
Effective usage of mass media, organizing special events and also introducing a candidate who is known and who is close to the voters is actually a basic function of public relations although this line is debatable but in almost all the developing countries this criteria is used. To put it in the most simplest way – at this point of time in Malaysia, a candidate cannot win an elections if voters don’t know them personally (in my opinion political parties in Malaysia should identify their candidates right now and place them in places that they should contest and begin their work with the local communities)
Public Relations also could help voters to understand the candidates better and make them understand in their own language, public relations can develop messages to reach the targeted audience. Certain issues need to be handled differently and public relations have thought us how to differentiate the issues
A good publicity campaign can bring in the votes because it is through this publicity campaigns difficult issues would be translated into simple words so that the voters would be able to understand the issues better and make a decent decision. Creating effective messages is an effective way as now a day voters have been assailed with so many information which has been manipulated. A difficult issue like the increase of the petrol prices could be handled only if we get the message across to the people in a language that they understand best and easy. It is never how we want them to understand, but, it is how they want to understand the issue.
One of the most important component of Public Relations is two way communications and in politics two way communications would be the make or break point for a politician to be successful or to put it straight to win elections. Voters want to communicate with their elected representative. Public Relations use feedback or public opinion from the public as a guideline in implementing a project or even to plan for a project. Infact, feedback, research and surveys are an integral part of Public Relations. Once feedbacks are obtained, it would be easy to develop messages according to the need of the community. PUBLIC RELATIONS excel in this area. Lets not forget, understanding public feedback or opinion is paramount when political parties draft their political standings, goals and objectives – a failure to undertake that task, would be as good as losing in any elections.
While it is hard to imagine a political campaign without publicity and persuasive messages, the fundamental partnership between politics and public relations at its highest level goes far beyond that - but perhaps not in the way that many people might think.
At the highest level, this two-way approach allows for both persuasion of the public and modification of the politician with an eye to bringing both to that most valuable of outcomes - mutually beneficial relationships.
This use of public relations is good for both politics and the public.
Monday, June 23, 2008

Greetings and I do hope that you are doing great.
I regret I had to make a decision which I was not to happy – taking out the SHOUT BOX from my blog. Infect, when I first wanted to include the SHOUT BOX application many of my friends did advice me that it may not be a good idea as there could be some online readers who may use the SHOUT BOX for their own agenda and they may even use the SHOUT BOX to say things which could be rude and uncultured.
Being a person who practice and believe public relations – whereby as practitioners we believe that two way communications would be better than one way communication (infect, we in the industry are even thinking of proposing that the Ministry of Information in Malaysia should be renamed as the Ministry of Public Relations). I thought by installing the SHOUT BOX I would be able to chat with my online readers immediately and if not immediate at least get back to them as soon as possible.
BUT, it was so disappointing that one on-line reader thought it was a clever idea to talk bad about one’s father in my SHOUT BOX. How low can one go?
As much as I want to interact with cultured people in my blog, there seem to be a few uncultured characters’ that have spoilt the good name of many good online visitors that I have had.
Please accept my sincere apologies for not being able to continue the SHOUT BOX. However, as in the past I will continue to receive your comments and will also publish them.
MY VIEWS…..Education alone does not make a person cultured, a proper upbringing plays an important role.
NOTE: Please be ready to read my next writings where I would talk about the similarities and also how Public Relations and Politics should work hand-in-hand for the betterment of the community – where ever they may be.
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Values of a President in Waiting

In the meantime, for your information, I am currently reading a book titled ‘The Audacity of Hope’ by Barack Obama and I must let you know HE IS AN AMAZING person. The People of the United States of America must do a favour for all the minorities in the world by electing him to be the Commander in Charge of the Oval Office. (I am sure some of you know, what I mean.)
I want to share a paragraph that I read in his book and it goes like this “We think of faith as a source of comfort and understanding but find our expression of faith sowing divisions; we believe ourselves to be tolerant people even as racial, religious and cultural tensions roil the landscape. And instead of resolving these tensions or mediating these conflicts, our politics fans them, exploits them, and drives us further apart”
How true….and at that very second, I asked myself. Was Barack Obama in Indonesia or Malaysia?
I will be writing more on this man, after all, he would be a pace setter or an idol for many young political aspirant’s all over the world (including me….).
Friday, May 23, 2008

What I am going to write today has got nothing to do with her graduation, but, what happened during her graduation. Not only it impressed me, but, it made me surprised, shocked and unbelievable. I sure as my friends who have been following my writings you would also be shocked (If you are a Malaysian – you will be shocked even more).
This is a true story and not written just for the sake of writing;
Indonesia it is not an Islamic state, however, it is the world's most populous Muslim-majority nation, with almost 86% of Indonesians declared Muslim according to the 2000 consensus. 11 % of the population is Christian, 2% are Hindu, and 1% Buddhist.
With such a huge Muslim population, I would imagine that they would be very strict and would be guided with plenty of Islamic Laws which is being practiced not only in Malaysia but many other Islamic state or nation.
I don’t know if I should say I was shocked or surprised when I saw the Vice Chancellor (a Muslim) handing over a copy of Bhagavad-Gita (a Hindu religious book) along with the scroll to her. Not only did my sister receive her Bhagavad-Gita, her friend, a Christian girl received a Bible.
I asked my sister if this is the normal procedures during graduation. She said YES and not only that, she went on to say that, she was also asked to take an oath in front of a Hindu priest on the day she received her status as a Medical Doctor.
AMAZING!!! Can this ever happen in TANAH TUMPAH NYA DARAH KU (The Land that I will die for)
At that moment, I was speechless, confused and shocked. A country with nearly 86% Muslim population is so very liberal and all this while I was under the impression that a Muslim cannot touch Bhagavad-Gita or a Bible and I learnt in Indonesia that it was wrong of me to think like that.
Now, I wonder if in Indonesia this is possible, can this be possible in Malaysia?
Would a Muslim become a Hindu or a Christian buy just handing over a Bhagavad-Gita or a Bible to a Hindu or Christian?
Will there be a day when a Vice Chancellor from a Public or Private University in Malaysia do the same thing which was done by the Vice Chancellor of the Universitas Andalas?
Although my sister did mention to me that she has to buy the Bhagavad-Gita herself and pass it on to the University, I guess for me it does not matter – but what is important is the fact that the University has got an excellent way to show their acceptance of any person’s religion and there would not be any favouritism shown to any students.
Is the first principle of RUKUNEGARA (Principles of the Nation). This means that we need to believe in GOD, irrespective of what religion we are. That line could also mean that we need to respect other religion as well in this country. It would be nice for us to start this system in the Malaysia by requesting the Malaysian University to implement what’s being done by our neighbours.
We should not be shy in copying certain action which is being implemented by our neighbours if it can bring UNITY amongst ALL MALAYSIANS.
I am sure buy a Muslim giving away a Bible or Bhagavad-Gita it would not make him a Christian or a Hindu and vice-versa.
Monday, May 12, 2008

It was during my drive back from AIMST University, Sungai Petani, Kedah I realised how important was PUTERA MIC’s decision in supporting and assisting in the organising of the Science Fair for Young children.
At the moment of the time I was thanking my good friend Dr. Yunus Yasin for introducing PUTERA MIC to the Science Fair.
It has been a whole new experience for me and my colleague at PUTERA MIC. Why not? As we are the 1st Malaysian Indian Political Party to be involved and working together with some well renowned NGO’s in the country in organising an unique and exemplary project.
My first reading about the Science Fair for Young Children was in 2007 – it was at that time I told my self, it would be wonderful if PUTERA MIC could work on this project (at that time, it was just a wish) but never did I realise that PUTERA MIC would be part of it and besides thanking GOD I must thank CCI (Centre for Community Initiatives) & TAMIL FOUNDATION for giving us this opportunity and off course through Dr. Yunus Yasin.
Now after witnessing 2 events organised by PUTERA MIC Kedah and PUTERA MIC Johore – I dare say it was one of the best decision which we made and have no regrets.
To see a child presenting their research and explaining how they worked hard to see the results is actually a scene that can never be forgotten and on top of that, students have actually mastered the English language so well.
While we can go on and talk, shout and even demonstrate on the reducing numbers of Tamil School in this country, we must also work on areas that can actually develop the minds and thoughts of a child in the tamil school.
a) We need to find ways on how we can create confidence within the students.
b) We need to give them an opportunity to express their opinion via education.
c) We need to create platform for the students to excel.
d) We need to encourage, motivate and let them know that we would not mind being a bridge for them for the educational successes.
We in PUTERA MIC are very committed in creating the confidence within the students, we want to give them an opportunity to excel via education, we want to be one of the platform providers along with many other good hearted Malaysian Indians for their education excellence and we want to motivate, encourage and we want to make them top be the best.
Thus, we have now created a new idea – TO CREATE A NOBEL PRIZE WINNER AMONGST THEM – Its not just a dream it’s a reality if we put all our energy and resources together.
Please help us to help them.
As a backgrounder, PUTERA MIC was formed to work with Young Indian Graduates to assist Malaysian Indian Students in their education as well as promote the usage of the ICT facilities in this country.
The students need a trigger point to excel, let us be that trigger point.
Sunday, February 10, 2008

This is not fiction, as we read and see it almost daily in the electronic and print media in Malaysia. You need to see it to be able to really experience and be grateful for what luxuries we have in life. The real life stories you hear from these people is so sad that you wonder how this is happening right in our backyard. And Malaysians are a very caring lot they say!
The government had formulated numerous policies since 1970 to eradicate poverty or at least reduce it to below 5% from around 52 % in 1970. Among them were the New Economic Policy (1970 – 1990), National Development Policy (1991 – 2000) and Vision 2020.
In a multiracial and diverse country, there is a real need for peaceful coexistence among the various communities and close cooperation among ethnically-based political parties in order to have political stability and socioeconomic development. After 50years of independence, we are all Malaysians and shoulder the responsibility to help our fellow Malaysians who are deprived of this basic need for survival.
What role does our elected representative (Member of Parliament – ‘MP’) have in this real concern? A great deal I would say.
One of the main Key Performance Index (KPI) for an MP should be to deal with this hardcore poverty in his/her constituency. If he/she is not able to ensure ZERO hardcore poverty in their respective constituency, we may have to re-evaluate their competence and commitment as elected representative of the people.
My Views....No Malaysians should be left without a shelter and a meal a day!