Since 2008 general election it cannot be denied that there have been profound changes in the way political parties have to strive to become more attuned to the voice of the people as well as their explicit and implicit needs.
Although the Malaysian Indian Congress (MIC) fared badly in the last general election yet with challenges also come the opportunity for growth and change that is needed to evolve and adept to better fulfill the purpose and agenda of the party and nation.
The party has been around since 1946 and part of the reason for its longevity is the ability of the party to re-mould and re-shape itself whenever the need arises.
In this vein of thought the MIC has taken numerous steps to strengthen itself and navigate the today’s choppy political waters successfully. After much soul searching it is with quiet confidence and sturdy faith that I believe the MIC is on track to become the voice of the Indian community of this country again.
The party has consolidated itself and become more united than ever. New blood with new ideas has been given the opportunity to serve and a strong platform to do so. The parties last Annual General Meeting (AGM) and the election results have brought in three new vice presidents and also many new young faces to the Central Working Committee (CWC).
Youthful choices were also made for by the president in appointing critical positions within the party such as secretary general, treasurer general and information chief.
Besides this the party has also been very steadfast in reinventing itself from within thru various workshops and forums.
The re-branding exercise is going at full throttle and the members are being sensitized to change themselves and move towards a people centric and optimum service performance level to better reach and impact the community in line with the honorable Prime Ministers call of people first performance now.
The party duly strengthened is now focusing very efficiently in bringing the Indian communities grouses to the forefront of the government. The people’s needs and aspirations are the utmost priority of the party and all tools that enhance this aim are continuously being sharpened and bettered.
The MIC is thus poised to remain as the voice and conduit of the community to reach the government and fulfill their potential.
On the other hand other parties that claim to champion rights of the Indian community seem to have lost their momentum after a crescendo of false starts.
The Malaysian Makkal Sakti Party (MMSP) being a case in point of this scenario, barely six months old and they are already facing a leadership tussle and severe politicking and infighting within the party.
Hindraf movement leader P.Uthayakumar hasn’t done anything productive or constructive for the community since its formation.
The Hindraf 5 behind the November 25th rally has all broken up and constantly finger pointing instead of working to ease the plight of the community.
Even within the Barisan Nasional (BN) Indian based political parties have their share of issues. The People’s Progressive Party (PPP) hierarchy seems busy and content to play presidents musical chair while the Registrar of Societies (ROS) figures out the winner.
The Indian Progressive Front (IPF) has lost direction and motivation since the untimely demise of Tan Sri M G Pandithan, they too are caught in legal battles and polemics of position clamoring within the party.
On the opposition front several peoples representatives in Selangor who are Indians have voiced their dissatisfaction over their own state government’s efforts to help the Indian community. One PKR parliamentarian has gone as far to say that the state government has lost the support of the vital Indian bloc because of their ineffectiveness in dealing with the problems of the Indians within the state.
All these points have cemented the position and validated the argument that the MIC is the ideal institution to represent the Indian community in this country. The MIC is aware of the grave responsibility such a position entails as is doing and will continue to do all that is needed and that is best to further spur the growth of the Indian society in Malaysia. The party will continue to be the beacon of the community in safeguarding their interests and unearthing opportunities for the community’s social, financial, economic, cultural and academic well being.