Sunday, December 26, 2010
YES, I know and I'm sorry, I should have wished all my friends celebrating Christmas a few days ago, but I could not and please forgive me, though I did send messages via SMS to all my friends, but I should have put my message across in here as well.
GOD Bless and Praise the LORD.
Thursday, December 23, 2010
However, yesterday at about 4pm, this quiet town was suddenly up and running with anxiety, as the District Police Headquarters was informed via a phone call that there were 2 parcels in front of 2 buildings wrapped and they were not sure what it was.
The Police Team headed by the OCPD Tuan Norel rushed to the scene to investigate the situation and immediately cordoned the main roads around that area. Thank GOD, this was not near the city - can't imagine the massive traffic jam that it would have caused.
I was concerned for the residents especially the shop owners who I know well, when I was informed, I called the OCPD to confirm if the news was true and upon his confirmation, I rushed to the scene, to console the residents and also to thank the Police force for the immediate action they took.
Once I arrived at the location, which was under control, I met a few residents and spoke to them, though they were worried, but, they were quite relaxed, guess the coolness of the town made them to look at things that way.
I met the OCPD and he briefed me on the situation and told me that they found a box size of A4 with a height of 4" to 5" at Jalan Dato' Muda Jaafar, infront of the AGRO Bank with the following remarks 'one day finish if no warming letter - Tom & gam bar tengkorak'. The second box was found at Jalan Mat Kilau in front of Hotel Melati/Restoran Ohmanas, with writings 'don't touch don't open very bahaya' with a picture of a skull.
The Bomb Disposal Unit and the Police Forensic Unit was already at the scene to investigate and to do the necessary action.
After about 4 hours, it was informed that there was no explosives in the parcel, just some papers, pamphlets, plastic bottle and a few other papers very well wrapped.
I'm sure that the Forensic team would have done a proper investigation and would be able to identify what was the real cause.
I must congratulate the Hulu Selangor OCPD and his team for being able to handle the situation very well and immediately.
Thank GOD, there was no real threat and I do hope Kuala Kubu Bharu would always be a town that brings in fresh air and fresh hop.
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
MIC's Courtesy call on HE Mr. Kamal Nath, Minister of Road Transport & Highways
This meeting was made possible with the coordination between the Malaysian Indian Congress (MIC) and the Indian High Commission.
The MIC delegation was led by YB Senator Dato' G Palanivel, accompanying him was YB Dato' S K Devamany, YB Senator Dato' T Murugaiah, YB Senator Dato' Chandrasegaran Suppiah, YB Senator Usha Nandhini, YBhg. Dato' T Rajagapalu, YBhg Datin Paduka Komala Krishnamoorthy, Y. Bhg. T Mohan and my self.
Dato' G Palanivel who spoke on behalf of the delegation touched on several issues however his focus was on how Malaysian Indian Businessman can work closely with their Indian counterparts and how the Indian Government can provide the assistance.
HE Mr. Kamal Nath welcomed the idea and shared his opinion and agreed that there are many areas where both business community can benefit and he said he would request the CII to work closely with MIC and generate more opportunities for all.
YB Dato' G Palanivel also proposed to HE Mr. Kamal Nath to consider sending Indian Institute of Management experts to conduct talks, seminars here in Malaysia which was agreed by HE Mr. Kamal Nath and he has indicated that he would have discussion with the Indian Institute of Management.
HE Mr. Kamal Nath expressed his extreme happiness on the progress made by Malaysian Indians and he was hoping that the continued cooperation should be enhanced, he also congratulated YB Dato' G Palanivel on his appointment as the new President of the Malaysian Indian Congress.
Monday, December 20, 2010
Many may still be asking if it was fair to suspend YB Permatang Pauh (Dato' Seri Anwar bin Ibrahim) who also happens to be the Opposition Leader. As a newly elected member of the Parliament - I don't have any doubts and I am indeed convinced upon reading the minutes which was presented by the Rights & Privilege Committee (RPC) that the Suspension of YB Permatang Pauh was indeed the best decision based on matters presented, as such WITHOUT DOUBT I AGREED TO THE MOTION which was presented.
Having said that, there has been many lies being spread by a few responsible opposition politicians or shall I call them 'ANWARINAS' who not only misleading the general public but also have to a certain extend mislead their own party members.
Let me explain, what made me agree to the motion.
On 22nd April 2010, Minister in the Prime Minister's Department - YB Dato' Seri Mohamed Nazri bin Abdul Aziz proposed a motion to the Parliament that on 17th March 2010, YB Permatang Pauh - In his speech mentioned "1999 SATU ISRAEL. 2009 APCO MENASIHATI PERDANA MENTERI DATO' SRI MOHD NAJIB 1MALAYSIA'
That's the issue - that particular statement, as that statement mislead the Parliament. All YB Permatang Pauh had to do, was to let the committee know his stand and defend himself.
The RPC was formed under the Standing Orders of the Dewan Rakyat (80.1), which are as follows;
"There shall be a Committee to be known as the Committee of Priveleges to consist of Tuan Yang di-Pertua as Chairman and six members to be nominated by the Committee of Selections as soon as may be after the beginning of each Parliament. There shall be referred to this committee any matter which appears to affect the powers and privileges of the House. It shall be the duty of the Committee to consider any such matters to them referred, and to report on them to the House"
Following that, the following members were appointed;
YB Beluran, Datuk Ronald Kiandee
YB Muar, Datuk Razali bin Haji Ibrahim
YB Alor Gajah, Datuk Seri Dr. Fong Chan Onn
YB Batang Sadong, Puan Hajjah Nancy binti Shukri
YB Subang, Tuan Sivarasa a/l K Rasiah, and
YB Bukit Gelugor, Tuan Karpal Singh a/l Ram Singh
and, The Tuan Yang di-Pertua acted as the Chairman of the Committee.
The RPC met for the first time on 17th May 2010 and among other things it was decided that it would call the following witnesses to appear as follows;
On 8th June 2010: YB Dato' Seri Anwar bin Ibrahim, and
On 9th June 2010: YB Dato' Seri Mohamed Nazri bin Abdul Aziz and a representative from APCO Worldwide.
The Chairman started the meeting and informed all members that an invitation letter was send out to APCO Worlwide Europe to request them to attend the meeting and that they have responded informing and appointing Mr. Brad Staples, CEO APCO Worldwide Europe, Middle-East & Africa Region would be representing them in this meeting. The Chairman also informed the committee that YB Permatang Pauh would also appear before this committee.
The Chairman then informed the Committee that he has received an application from YB Permatang Pauh who have requested that the committee consider his request to be represented by a lawyer and that the meeting needs to be conducted in a transparent manner and also to be allowed to list down a list of witnesses that would be called - (THIS IS RPC NOT A COURT ROOM) & (YB TUAN KARPAL SINGH & YB TUAN SIVARASA NOT GOOD ENOUGH LAWYERS ? OR MAYBE YB PERMATANG PAUH DONT TRUST THEM)
The committee was then informed that under Standing order 83(7A), as follows;
"By leave of the Select Committee parties whose conduct forms the subject, or one of the subject, of an investigation by that Select Committee, or whose rights and interests are directly affected by the matter which has been referred to that Select Committee for consideration, may appear in person or may be represented by counsel"
and the committee also took note that under Standing order 85, as follows;
"The evidence taken before any Select Committee and any documents presented to such Committee shall not be published by any member of such Committee, or by any other person, before the Committee has presented it's Report to the House". (YB PERMATANG PAUH KNOW THIS VERY WELL, BUT, STILL INSISTED ON WANTING THIS, WHY ? CAUSE NEED TO FIND A REASON TO EXCAPE THE COMMITTEE'S.)
The above rule is clear and the rule does not allow any observers to be in attendance during the investigations as information cannot be published or mentioned outside before it's being presented to the House.
and finally Standing Order 83(2) says as follows;
"A Select Committee shall have power to send persons, documents or papers, and shall have leave to reports it's opinion and observations, together with the minutes of evidence taken before it to the House".
It is clear that Standing Order 83(7A) states that, only with the approval from the Committee, a lawyer can accompany the applicant, while Standing Order 85 says that the investigation cannot be held in the open as it contradicts that rule and standing order 83(2) says that the committee can call have the right to call anyone it wishes to call.
YB Subang, then requested, that other MPs have shown interest to attend and witness the meeting, upon discussions, the RPC felt that it was not needed for them to attend (OBVIOUSLY LAH, BECAUSE THATS WHY WE HAVE YB SUBANG & YB BUKIT GELUGOR THERE TO WAKIL ALL THE MP's)
YB Subang then requested that YB Permatang Pauh to be allowed to bring in his own lawyers, to this the Chairman, explained, that the committee would first call YB Permatang Pauh to enter the meeting room and let him explain why he needs a lawyer and after that the committee can make a decision.
NOW THIS IS INTERESTING: YB Permatang Pauh was called into the meeting (BUT DID HE WALK INTO THE ROOM ALONE?) and along with him a few other uninvited MPs barged into the meeting room. (EVEN AT THIS POINT WE CAN SEE THAT YB PERMATANG PAUH DID NOT HAVE AN INTENTION TO DEFEND HIMSELF, BUT, MORE DRAMA)
YB Bukit Gelugor then asked the chairman, if a decision has been made, on whether to allow other MPs in the meeting room, to which the Chairman said, YES, we have, but if we need to see a division, then that can be done as well.
The Chairman then requested YB Permatang Pauh and other MPs to leave the hall, so that a division can be carried out and a final decision can be made.
In the meantime, the committee expressed regrets that a few MPs barged into the meeting room without prior approval and while the meeting was on going.
YB Subang then proposed a resolution that to allow MPs to attend the proceeding; The resolution was not accepted as 4 members voted against the resolution and 2 members voted for the resolution.
Once this was done, YB Permatang Pauh was requested to enter the meeting room alone to inform him of the decision and to start with the investigation.
YB Permatang Pauh came inside the room and upon hearing the decision, he then requested the right to be represented by a lawyer according to Standing Order 83(7A), YB Permatang Pauh further requested that the lawyer be allowed to present the case on s behalf (JUST LIKE COURT CASE LAH - I GUESS FOR YB PERMATANG PAUH EVERY WHERE IS A COURT ROOM).
The Chairman did mention to YB Bukit Gelugor as well as YB Permatang Pauh that a lawyer can be accompanied with YB Permatang Pauh, but the lawyer would not be able to cross examine and etc. (SURELY CANNOT LAH, THIS IS PARLIAMENT, NOT COURT ROOM).
However, YB Bukit Gelugor insisted that YB Permatang Pauh should not only be accompanied by a lawyer, but that lawyer must also be given the rights to defendAnd ask questions to whoever they want to on behalf of YB Permatang Pauh.
Based on all these arguments presented, the committee yet again discussed if this can be allowed. The committee decided that another division should be held to finalize this decision.
4 members voted against the idea of a lawyer representing YB Permatang Pauh and 2 members agreed with the idea. Since majority did not agree, YB Permatang Pauh's request to have a lawyer represent him was denied. (SHOULD HAVE JUST AGREED WITH THE CHAIRMAN TO LET THE LAWYER ACCOMPANY) (BUT, WHAT TO DO, NEED TO FIND REASONS TO AVOID THE COMMITTEE INVESTIGATION).
The Committee also discussed on the issue whereby, matters which was discussed in the meeting is being explained to the media by some of the Committee Members, the Chairman felt under Standing Order 85, this cannot be done as all findings of this committee must first be presented to the House and only after that the media and the public could be informed. (NOW YOU KNOW WHY YB SUBANG, YB BUKIT GELUGOR WAS SUSPENDED).
It's 9th June 2010 and the RPC meeting is to start at 11:30 am, the Committee was supposed to hear evidence from YB Dato' Seri Mohamed Nazri Abdul Aziz and Mr. Brad Staples (both were available to give evidence).
The meeting did not even start, YB Permatang Pauh barged in even without knocking the door (at this point a few members of the committee have not even arrived for the meeting).
YB Permatang Pauh requested that he be given the priority to appear first before other witnesses are called in (HE FORGOT HIS TURN WAS YESTERDAY, BUT WHEN GIVEN A CHANCE, HE PUT MANY CONDITIONS) and still insisted that he not only be accompanied by his lawyer but also the lawyer will have to be given a right to cross examine (ALAMAK, INI PARLIMEN COMMITTEE, BUKAN MAHKAMAH, YB SUBANG & YB BUKIT GELUGOR DID NOT INFORM HIM OF THE DECISION YESTERDAY).
The Chairman then informed YB Permatang Pauh that his request to be represented by a lawyer has been rejected. Upon hearing the decision, YB Permatang Pauh and his lawyer both walked out of the meeting room (ALAMAK, DONT WANT TO GIVE EVIDENCE AH,
When the meeting began, the Chairman informed the committee that he has received a letter from YB Permatang Pauh requesting the committee to reconsider the decision made earlier to allow his lawyer and also to allow MPs to witness the meeting (WHY LA? JUST GIVE EVIDENCE ALSO WANT SO MUCH DRAMA, KAN YOU ADA 2 FIRST CLASS LAWYERS IN THE COMMITTEE).
The Chairman informed the committee that based on the decision made on 8th June 2010, the committee will not be able to consider this appeal.
YB Subang then requested the Chairman in YB Permatang Pauh could sit in the room while other witneses are providing their evidence, to which the chairman said that tithes would not be possible as a final decision has been made. ( DEPA LUPA INI PARLIMEN, BUKAN MAHKAMAH)
The committee also discussed on the application from YB Puchong seeking permission to allow 10 MP's including him to witness the proceeding of the meeting, the chairman clearly have said that this is not possible based on Standing Order 85 and furthermore a decision has already need made. But, YB Bukit Gelugor kept on asking permission to allow others to attend the meeting, despite knowing that this was not possible.
YB Bukit Gelugor, the seasoned and experienced MP in the house, then went ballistic against the speaker by throwing plenty of unpaliamentary words i.e.'You are suffering from a phobia that I called you a dictator, you got it last time. It goes on and on', 'you don't have to throw tantrums like that' this was a few of those words uttered by YB Bukit Gelugor. (ITS VERY IMPORTANT, THAT AS A PARLIAMENTARIAN WE NEED TO RESPECT THE CHAIR - TAKKAN YB BUKIT GELUGOR TAK TAHU).
The heated arrgument between the Speaker and YB Bukit Gelugor went on and on and to manage the situation and with YB Bukit Gelugor's non stop insults against the Chairman, the Chairman had no other options, other than to call off the meeting on that day
The meeting started at 9:30 am on 3rd December 2010.
The Chairman informed the committte that, on 9th June 2010, both Dato' Seri Mohamed Nazri and Mr. Brad Staples were ready to give their statements to the committee, but, due to reasons which all members are aware, they could not give their evidence.
The Chairman then informed the committee that he has received a letter from APCO dated 19th August 2010 explaining their point with regards to the issue to the Government of Malaysia.
Based on Standing Order 83(2) "A select committee shall have the power to send persons, documents or papers, and shall have leave to report it's opinion and observations, together with the minutes of evidence taken before it to the House". Further to the Standing Order 83(11) 'The Committee may at it's discretion refuse to hear any irrelevant evidence or any recalcitrant witness".
YB Muar then said, since we have all relevant information and documents from all parties involved in this matter, we have the speech made by YB Permatang Pauh on 17th March 2010 and his explanation on 30th March 2010, the debate on the resolution proposed by the Minister on 22nd April as well as the Governments stand on APCO's issue via written replies to YB Serdang on 22nd October 2009, YB Tanah Merah on 18th March 2010 and YB Seputeh on 29th March 2010 and with the written reply from APCO I think the Committee can make a decision.
YB Muar further quoted the speech made by YB Tan Sri Dr. Koh Tsu Koon "tidak ada syarikat perhubungan tempatan atau luar negara yang diupah untuk mempromosi gagasan 1Malaysia secara khusus".
YB Muar also referred to the letter sent by APCO to the Committee (1st Page, Para 7) which read as follows, "We were engaged in June 2009 to provide communications support to the Government of Malaysia. We have been honored to do so. We had nothing whatsoever to do with One Israel. We were not involved in the creation on 1Malaysia" and 3rd Page, Para 5) which read as follows "The current engagement is to share best practices through the provision of Government-wide advice, training and capacity building. The work was designed to address the Government's goals to improve the delivery of information to the public, to communicate quickly and transparently, and to utilize new online technologies. APCO was not and is not involved in assisting the Government of Malaysia with formulating policies"
Based on all the above facts and after giving all the opportunity to YB Permatang Pauh, which he did not make use of the opportunities given to him, instead requesting special privileges, YB Muar felt that the committee should be able to make a decision and that the committee need not spend more time to make the final decision. The resolution has been put forward, all relevant documents have been presented, so the committee should be able to make a decision.
YB Muar also touched on Standing Orders 83(4) "The deliberations of a Select Committee shall be confined to the matter referred to it by the house and any extension or limitation thereof made by the House, and, in the case of a Select Committee on a bill, to the bill committed to it and relevant amendments". This Standing Order refers to the fact that the committee has only been entrusted to make a decision based on the remarks made by YB Permatang Pauh on 17th March 2010 and nothing else.
Based on YB Muar's proposal and justifications, a resolution was proposed to continue the proceedings without the need to call for any more witnesses (WHAT CHOICE DO THEY HAVE, EVERY-TIME YB PERMATANG PAUH WALKS INTO THE ROOM, HE ASK'S FOR SPECIAL PRIVILEGE AND THE IMPOSSIBLES).
A vote was called, with 4 members agreed to the decision and 2 members did not agree to the proposal.
Based on the decision, both YB Subang and YB Bukit Gelugor informed the Chairman that they would not want to be part of the Committee any longer (WONDER WHY DID THIS AFTER THE VOTING).
Other members of the Committee decided to stay on and continue with the meeting.
The committee then looked through the following documents;
a) YB Permatang Pauh's speech on 17th March 2010.
b) YB Permatang Pauh's explanation on 30th March 2010.
c) All the opportunities which was given to YB Permatang Pauh to explain his stand.
d) APCO's official letter
Further to that, YB Muar also proposed a resolution to follow the Standing Order 83(2) " A Select Committee shall have the power to send persons,, documents or papers, and shall have leave to report it's opinion and observations, together with the minutes of evidence taken before it to the House".
Standing Order 83(4) "The deliberations of a Select Committee shall be confined to the matter referred to it by the House and any extension or limitation thereof made by the House, and, in the case of a Select Committee on a Bill, to the Bill commiited to it and relevant amendments.
And 83(11) "The Committee may at it's discretion refuse to hear any irrelevant evidence or any recalcitrant witness. (WONDER WHO IS THE RECALCITRANT WITNESS).
The committee also referred to the following documents;
a) Hansard on 17th March 2010.
b) Hansard on 30th March 2010.
c) Government's reply to YB Serdang on 22nd October 2009 - question number 20, YB Tanah Merah on 18th March 2010 - question number 54 and YB Seputeh on 29th March 2010 - question number 62.
d) Hansard 1st April 2010, and, last but not least;
e) APCO Worldwide's official reply to the Committee dated 19th August 2010.
Based on all the above evidence presented, the Committee felt that it is very clear that YB Permatang Pauh has mislead the House and that his allegations were not true.
The chairman then put it to the Committee that YB Permatang Pauh's allegation is not true and he has misused the rights and privilege's as a Member of Parliament and the Committee has made recommendations to the House - THE RESOLUTION WAS THEN PASSED.
The committee also felt that the allegation made by YB Permatang Pauh has created a bad impression amongst Malaysians and they now look at 1Malaysia with a wrong perception. The Committee recommended that an appropriate punishment should be given to YB Permatang Pauh. The Chairman then proposed that YB Permatang Pauh to be suspended as a Member of Parliament for 6 months - THE PROPOSAL WAS ACCEPTED.
The committee also took seriously the words uttered by YB Bukit Gelugor who insulted the Chairman during the 3rd Meeting which was held on 9th June 2010 and his action caused the disruption of the meeting on 9th June 2010. YB Bukit Gelugor also looked down on the qualification of the member of the committee, which he mentioned to YB Muar "where were you trained?" dan "you were not trained properly".
To avoid similar incidents in the future, the Committee recommended that an admonishment to be done by the Speaker against YB Bukit Gelugor. The recommendation of the committee was accepted.
Upon reading the facts presented to the Committee, the Committee felt that the allegations made by YB Permatang Pauh was not true and has abused the rights and privileges of a Member of Parliament.
As such, the Committee decided and agreed that YB Permatang Pauh to be suspended as a Member of Parliament for 6 months.
P.S. I know that there could be some spelling mistakes in the article, please forgive me. There could be spelling mistakes, but I did not make mistakes in agreeing to the decision made on 16th December 2010.
Monday, December 13, 2010

After a long arduous challenging and certainly fulfilling career of sacrifice and service the iconic Dato’ Seri S.Samy Vellu has decided to leave the political filed which he has dominated over more than four decades.
Since he took over the presidency of the MIC in 1979 he has helped the MIC to become a cohesive united and efficient platform to serve the Indian community in the country. His notable achievements in the party include starting the Maju Institute of Educational Development in 1985. MIED was established in order to promote higher education for Indian children in Malaysia from poor background. This institution till today has given loans and grants to 14,600 students to facilitate them to go through territorial education in which 8,600 students have qualified in various fields. In the field of medicine, engineering and all other related technical field such as IT, Economic and Arts.
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Saya meminta Menteri Pelajaran menyatakan:-
a) apakah perancangan pihak Kementerian untuk membina sekolah di kawasan Hulu Selangor; dan
b) sekolah jenis apakah yang akan di bina dan bilakah projek ini akan bermula.
Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia (KPM) sentiasa prihatin dalam memastikan kemudahan pendidikan disediakan adalah untuk keperluan semua kaum atau golongan masyarakat. projek-projek pembangunan pendidikan dirancang dan dilaksanakan berdasarkan bilangan dan keperluan penduduk sesuatu kawasan ataupun kewujudan kawasan perumahan baru.
Sepertimana Ahli yang Berhormat sedia maklum, di bawah PRE 2 pada tahun ini dana sebanyak RM 3 juta telah disalurkan kepada LPS untuk projek perpindahan SJK(C) Bukit Tangga ke Bukit Beruntung atas tanak kurniaan KPM. SJK(C) baru ini telah siap dibina dan memperolihi CF baru-baru ini dan akan mula beroperasi pada 3hb Januari 2011.
Tambahan pula, Y.A.B. Perdana Menteri telah menyalurkan RM 3 juta kepada LPS SJK(C) Rasa untuk projek perpindahan ke taman perumahan berdekatan. Projek ini akan di laksanakan apabila urusan perolehan tanah dengna kerajaan Negeri Selangor dapat di selesaikan dan memperoleh kelulusan pelan bangunan dari Majlis Daerah Hulu Selangor. Projek ini adalah di bawah peruntukan ICU, Jabatan Perdana Menteri.
Selain itu, Kerajaan melalui ICU, Jabatan Perdana Menteri juga telah memperuntukkan RM 1 juta untuk pembinaan sebuah SJK(T) di Serendah. Pihak ICY sedang membantu mengenal pasti tanah yang sesuai untuk tujuan tersebut.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Saya telah membangkitkan satu pertanyaan kepada Menteri Perumahan & Kerajaan Tempatan, pertanyaan seperti berikut;
a) Jumlah rumah ibadat (bukan islam) yang berdaftar di Malaysia; dan
b) Jumlah peruntukan yang telah di beri kepada rumah-rumah ibadat tersebut sejak tahun 2000 hingga sekarang dan jumlah peruntukan yang akan di agihkan untuk membantu rumah-rumah ibadat tersebut dalam jangka masa 5 tahun akan datang.
a) Berdasarkan Kajian Inventori Tempat Ibadat Bukan Islam yang di jalankan oleh Jabatan Perancangan Bandar dan Desa (JPBD), Kementerian Perumahan dan Kerajaan Tempatan (KPKT) pada tahun 2008, jumlah rumah ibadat yang dikenalpasti samada berdaftar dan tidak berdaftar di seluruh Semenanjung Malaysia adalah sebanyak 4,244 buah. ia terdiri daripada Tokong Cina/Buddha/Watt Siam sebanyak 2,117 buah, Gereja 524 buah, Kuil Hindu 1,466 buah, Gurdwara Sikh 78 buah dan lain-lain tempat keagamaan selain Islam 59 buah.
b) Kementerian Perumahan & Kerajaan Tempatan tidak menyediakan peruntukan bagi kos pembangunan dan operasi rumah-rumah ibadat bukan Islam. Peruntukan bagi rumah-rumah ibadat bukan Islam di salurkan oleh Unit Penyelarasan Perlaksanaan (ICU), Jabatan Perdana Menteri. Berdasarkan maklumat yang diterima daripada Unit tersebut, bagi tempuh 2000 hingga 2010, sejumlah RM30juta (RM28,960,928.00) telah diperuntukkan bagi menaiktaraf dan membina 1,360 buah rumah ibadat bukan Islam.
Monday, November 22, 2010
Yes indeed, it was a Bingo day for me in the Parliament as i was able to speak twice, earlier on budget matters relating to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and now with regards to the Ministry of Plantation Industries and Commodities.
Following are the matters i raised;
- Congratulated the Ministry for being able to do a good job in not only promoting Malaysian Palm Oil, but, also being able to defend its strength and promote it all over the world. Also congratulated them on their willingness to work closely with the Indonesian government not only in promoting palm oil but also to fight the anti-palm oil campaign which in being orchestrated by our competitors.
- The allocation of RM24 million ringgit may not be enough to fight the war against our competitors. We are facing various issues while we promote palm oil; environmental issues, nutritional issues, work force issues, competitors false information against palm oil. With so many things to do, and our competitors are financially rich, the government should consider providing more financial assistance to the Palm Oil campaign strategies.
- Also touched on the Malaysian Institute of Plantation and Commodity - It is indeed a commendable initiative to set-up an institute of this nature as it would help the local work talent to garner more experiance and we would be able to teach them how to serve the industry better. However, has the Institute served its objective? How many students have the Institute produced? and what are the future plans of the Institute?
- Also thanked the government for agreeing to develop the Lembaga Getah Malaysia's land in Sungai Buloh, it would surely bring a lot of development and benefits to the local residents there. My question to them was, when will they start to develope that land.
Am now waiting to hear the reply from the Deputy Minister.
- That while Taiwan have given Malaysians an entry into their country without having a Visa, i thought it would only be fair that we do the same - no need to obtain a Visa for Taiwanese to obtain a Visa to visit Malaysia.
- What was even more disturbing was that, recently we also revoked the Visa On Arrival not only for Taiwan, but also a few other countries.
- I requested that we lift the Visa On Arrival in order to have more tourist visiting Malaysia as Malaysia seems to be a favorite tourist spot.
- As for Taiwan, it is only fair, since Taiwan does not require us to have Visa to visit their country, its only fair we do the same.
The second issue i raised to the Ministry was with regards to a certain politicians who travel the world and discredit Malaysia. Not only they discredit Malaysia, but they also spread lies and damage the good name of Malaysia.
They go against the 2nd Principle of the country that was thought to all Malaysians since we were in school 'KESETIAAN KEPADA RAJA & NEGARA' or 'LOYALTY TO THE KING & NATION'.
They do this to seek sympathy, they do this so that foreigner have bad thoughts on Malaysia. If they can do this just to seek sympathy and support - one can wonder what other things they are capable of doing to win elections in this country.
I requested the Ministry to identify ways and means to curb such actions and if needed a law to be drawn so that politicians are carefull when they speak about Malaysia overseas.
I am now waiting to speak again this time on the Ministry of Plantation Industries and Commodities - Hope to be 2nd time lucky today.
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Kerana "IKHLAS" hati menjadi "BERSIH"
Kerana "IMAN" hati menjadi "KUAT"
Kerana "AKHLAK" hati menjadi "INDAH"
Kerana "MAAF" hati menjadi "KAYA"
Kerana "KORBAN" hati menjadi "PEMURAH"
Selamat menyambut Hari Raya Korban di samping sanak-saudara Dan keluarga yang tersayang, semoga pengorbanan dalam semua aspek kita di terima.
Dengan ingatan ikhlas,
P Kamalanathan
Having said that, I am indeed happy to share with you that I have also achieved 2 other important milestone in my social media experience; both via my Twitter and Facebook.
YES, i have just passed the 2,000 follower via my Twitter account and also passed my 5,000th friend via my Facebook. It is true, the survey we all read, Malaysians are the most active social network user, but then again, in my case, both in my Twitter and Facebook account, I have either met or spoken to at least 80% of them.
During my recent paper presentation at the GoMobile Conference in Kuala Lumpur, I spoke to the participants how the new media kept me in touch with my constituents. There is no doubt, that the new media and social media is here to stay for a long, long time and if you don't get used to it - not only will you be left behind, but, you will not even be noticed.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank all my friend who have been following me via Twitter, Facebook and via my blog - YOU kept me going.
I would also like to seek a favor from you, as you are probably aware, the moment the Facebook friends reach nearly 5,000 we will not be able to add any more friends, as such, I would be knocking on your Facebook account to add me as your friend, i hope you would give me an opportunity to be in your Facebook as much as I want you in my Facebook.
GOD bless you and may we live to find out what's next in the social media.
Monday, November 8, 2010

This was my first Deepavali as a member of Parliament.
It was indeed a memorable one, besides being able to assist almost 1,000 constituents before the festive season, I also manage to organise a 'Open House' at the Bukit Beruntong Golf Club which was attended by more than 4,000 constituents.
In such a short time (6 months & 13 days) after becoming a member of Parliament, it was indeed not an easy task. Many of my friends - near and far, leaders and members of local Barisan Nasional component parties, opposition party members, Non-Governmental Organisations members, Residents Association members, Rukun Tetangga members, heads of departments and staffs of local government agencies and many more of them came, but what made me happy was the constituents - they came in full force, they begin to arrive as early as at 5:30 p.m and was there till we finished at 10:30 p.m.
A trully 1Malaysia presence was seen in the hall - Malays, Chinese, Indians and also Orang Asli, they were treated equally and we also manage to give out some more assistance for senior citizens as well as to a few poor and needy friends as well.
I would also like to thank my fellow MP friends YB Kinabatangan (YB Datuk Bung Moktar Radin), YB Sabak Bernam (YB Datuk Abdul Rahman Bakri) and YB Jasin (YB Datuk Wira Haji Ahmad bin Haji Hamzah) for attending the 'Open House' along with YB Datuk Mohd. Idris, ADUN - Hulu Bernam, YB Datuk Mohd. Isa, ADUN - Batang Kali and YB Tuan Wong K M, ADUN - Kuala Kubu Bharu.
I would also like to extend my sincere gratitudes to the Deputy High Commissioner of Singapore Mr. Kevin Cheok and his wife, Mr. Sevala Naik and his wife from the Indian High Commission for attending the dinner.
My personal thanks to Y. Bhg. Datin Sri Indrani Samy Vellu for gracing the dinner along with Mr. S Vell Paari and his wife Puan Shaila Nair.
Thanks also to the Members of the MIC's Central Working Committee members, especially to my comrade Mr. Madhu Marimuthu, MIC Bahagian Selayang's Chairman Mr. P Palaniappan and YB Puan Usha Nandhini and her husband for accepting my invitation.
Not forgetting Mr & Mrs Wemel and to Mr. Keshwinder and his family and my fellow bloggers, facebookers and Twitter's - Thank You for being there.
and the list will go on and on, please forgive me if i did not mention your name, I met everyone of my invitees and my constituents and thanked them for attending this event.
I must say this Deepavali besides, being able to reach out to many of my constituents (more than 6,000), we were also able to put a light of brightness into the homes of many of my constituents, the lights may not be bright enough, but we have reached them and we will continue to reach them at all time.
This article would be meaningless if i dont appreciate and thank my team at PUSKAP (PUSat Khidmat Ahli Parlimen) Hulu Selangor. The entire programme was very well organised and i must congratulate Puan Mageswari - Pengarah Project and Encik Anwar Ridhawi (Co- Pengarah) and the entire organising team.
To all my Pegawai - Encik Md. Fuzi Abd. Lateh, Encik S Padmarajah, Encik S Yogendran and Ms Jessica Lai - Thank You for your assistance in supporting the PUSKAP team in organising the 'Open House'.
To Encik Fauzi Manivannan, Encik Khairul Nizam, Puan Julimaria, Encik V Balasubramaniam, Encik P Shri Shanmuganathan, Encik Mughilan and Encik M Ravi - thank you for organising the hamper and sumbangan handout programmes in all our DUN (Batang Kali, Kuala Kubu Bharu and Hulu Bernam).
Although i am sad, that a few of my friends were not there with me, but, i guess they had other events and programmes to attend to - NO worries mate's - we shall meet for dinner soon.
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Today i manage to speak on a resolution proposed by YB Er Teck hwa (Member of Parliament of Bakri), his resolution was to propose to set-up a Royal Commission to investigate the recent deathly accidents that took away 20 lives.
Following are the points that i raised during my debate;
- Started my speech with extending my sympathy to the families who lost their loved ones in that accident.
- To overcome or reduce the number of accidents in this country it should be the responsibility of the government, its agencies as well as the people.
- We have set of rules, speed limits and etc, but seems that no one uses them. We should impose high fines for those who break the rules. Despite knowing for a fact that one is not supposed to use hand phones while driving - they continue to do so.
- The government and its agencies should increase the number of raod safety campaigns to all levels of the society.
- The Department of Safety and Health (DOSH), Ministry of Transport should be more carefull in ensuring that the bus is in good condition.
- The guard rail (that divides the road) quality needs to be upgraded, at the present we have 823 km of highway, the guard rail at present is at quality TL 2 and we should increase it to TL 3 and in the black spot area we should be upgraded to TL 5.
- I ended my speech by thanking all my friends in the tweet and facebook for giving suggestions for my speech.
In conclusion i did not agree that we set-up a Royal Commission, instead the Minister of Transport should be transparent in ensuring that a complete report and all its agencies undertake their responsibilities well.
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
I started to blog in 2006 after 3 of my friends encouraged me to do so; B Mahendran, K Novinthen and R Amutha and since then i have been blogging.
Perhaps being elected into the Parliament has made me realise and aware how important blogging is. Infact, during the bye-elections which i contested in April 2010, many of my friends who are active bloggers were kind enough to introduce me as a Blogger and that helped me a lot.
There were times during the last 5 years i gave up on blogging, i just had no inspiration to write and at times not knowing what to write. At that point of time, i must thank my best friends Thomas Samuel, S Suganthi and Shamini Chandrasekaran who gave me plenty of inspiration and at times gave me constructive criticism to carry on.
I used to write lengthy articles (probably because im a public relations practitioner) but after reading articles written by Y. Bhg. Datuk Ahiruddin Atan and Y. Bhg. Datuk Ahmad A Talib, i realised that simple, short and straigth to the point articles were the best way to attract readers - i try to do that, but i have still to get there. I will soon.
I must say, the lies that was spread about me on my education qualification did increase the number of readers - I thank the liers for lying. I guess we can never stop anyone from saying what they want to say - they will do just about anything to damage the character of a person (by hook or crook). I have told my self, i would rather stop blogging than writing lies and will not get into that.
I would also like to thank all my PUTERA MIC Puteran's for reading and promoting my website to their friends.
YES, there were a few suggestion on various topics that i should write as my 100th article, all the topics which we suggested via facebook, twitter and sms would be written soon, i like the topics suggested.
For those who sent comments which were vulgar and attacking my parents - I am sorry, i would not be able to publish your comments and i will never publish them.
Finally my dear friends - I thank you very much for all the encoragements, motivations and above all reading my articles. I know at times the spelling and the grammer is bad, but, sorry lah - tak sengaja.
Monday, November 1, 2010
Jawapan yang saya terima daripada YB Menteri Kerjaraya;
Kementerian Kerja Raya sememangnya sedar dan mengambil maklum mengenai isu kesesakan dan peningkatan aliran trafik di Jalan Persekutuan 1(FT01) antara bandar rawang ke Serendah melalui Sg. Choh. khususnya pada waktu puncak. Bedasarkan Bancian Trafik Kebangsaan 2009, purata trafik harian yang dicatatkan di laluan tersebut ialah sebanyak 30,000 kenderaan sehari.
Sehubungan itu, antara alternatif yang sedang dilaksanakan Kerajaan bagi mengurangkan kesesakan di jalan tersebut ialah seperti berikut;
- Pembinaan projek Jalan Pintas Rawang (Rawang By-Pass) - Sehingga kini fasa pertama sepanjang 18.5 kilometer tealh di siapkan dalam Rancangan Malaysia Ke-sembilan (RMKe-9). Skop projek fasa 1 itu melibatkan pembinaan dan naik taraf jalan 4 lorong 2 hala dari persimpangan Sungai Chu hingga ke Taman Warisan Negeri di Templer Park dengan kos sebanyak RM260.5 juta.
- Dalam RMKe-10 pula, Kementerian Kerja Raya telah mencadangkan pembinaan fasa 2, iaitu melibatkan skop pembinaan elevated structure sepanjang 3.3 kilometer melalui Taman Warisan Negeri dengan anggaran kos projek RM397 juta.
- Dari aspek perancangan jangka panjang pula, Kajian Pelan Induk Pembangunan Rangkaian Jalanraya (HNDP) Fasa 1 telah mengenal pasti keperluan bagi menaik taraf Jalan Persekutuan 1 (FT01) dari Templer Park hingga ke sempadan Negeri Perak.
Perlaksanaan projek ini akan di cadangkan dalam rolling plan kedua RMKe-10.
From today till 8th November the Ministers would be responding to all matters which was raised by Parlimentarians during the budget debate which was held between 18th October 2010 till 28th October 2010. I am indeed waiting for my questions to be answered, following are my questions and suggestions which was raised during my budget presentation;
To increase the excise duty for the compounded hard liquor - To be answered by Minister of Finance.
- Setting up a special Unit called 'Unit Polis Sekolah' - To be answered by Minister of Internal Affairs and/or Minister of Education.
- Suggestion for tax exemption for tax payers for are taking care of their elderly parents and at the same time a system should be introduced when elderly people are send to old folks home. - To be answered by Minister of Finance and/or Minister of Women, Family and Community Development.
- Suggested tax exemption for donations made for primary schools - To be answered by Minister of Finance and/or Mnister of Education.
- Setting-up of a system to implement and monitor the implementation of the Housing for estate workers - To be answered by the Minister of Plantation Industries and Commodities.
- Proposing to consider to allocate RM85 million to make Hulu Selangor as an important tourist destination - To be answered by the Minister of Tourism.
- Hiring retired teachers to teach language under the 1Malaysia Training Programme. - To be answered by the Minister of Youth and Sports and/or Minister of Education.
For this to happen i must thank my constituents, it was via their input which was given to me during a dialogue i had in my office. There were many questions which was raised, however, since each Parliamentarian can only ask 10 oral and 5 written questions, thus, some of the questions could not be raised.
I realised that this session was indeed good and productive and the participants mostly were constituents and most importantly voters of Hulu Selangor.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Would like to share some information i obtained from the Minister of Human Resources with regards to the Plantation Workers status and condition, here it goes;
- There are 73 plantations in this country that have build a total of 6,364 houses which was sold to the workers. Amongst the plantation that has done so are as follows;
a) Kumpulan Guthrie Berhad;
b) Sime Plantation;
c) Golden Hope Plantation;
d) Asiatic Development Bhd.;
e) Taiko Plantations Sdn. Bhd.;
f) National Land Finance Cooperative Society (NLFCS);
g) EPA Management Sdn. Bhd.
h)Boustead Estate Agency Sdn. Bhd and a few others.
2. To assist estate workers to own houses, the Government will provide Skim Pembiayaan Perumahan Kos Rendah with an allocation of RM50 million, managed by Bank Simpanan Nasional. The scheme is open to all Malaysian permanent estate workers to assist them to obtain housing loan with a maximum of RM60,000 for the purchase of low-cost houses at 4% interest rate and a repayment period up to 40 years extending to the second generation.
3. There are a total of 75,264 estate workers in Malaysia and the breakdown is as follows;
a) Malays 40,965 = 54.4%
b) Indians 15,519 = 20.6%
c) Chinese 4,035 = 5.4%
d) Others 14,745 = 19.6%
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
As usual, a few people are making a big fuss asking why the government have spent RM37 million on this project and instead they could have spend it on other issues like housing and social welfare solutions.
Indeed the government will always have the interest of the poor and the needy in their heart and this is very well reflected under the 10th Malaysia Plan as well as the recently presented Budget 2011 by our Prime Minister.
For the information of my friends, the Little India project is not funded by the Government of Malaysia and I repeat NOT FUNDED BY THE GOVERNMENT OF MALAYSIA, instead, its part of the Corporate Social Responsibility projects initiated by Malaysian Resources Corporation Berhad (MRCB) – so I don’t see the fuss here.
When a private entity wants to do such a project and furthermore to make it as a symbol for Malaysian Indians – why are we complaining?
They could have chosen anywhere in Malaysia to do this, it could be Lebuh Ampang, Klang, Penang, Kluang, Sungai Petani or even Buntong in Ipoh but they choose Brickifields.
I quote from Wikipedia [] Brickfields is a small to medium-sized town and residential neighborhood (as well as an administrative zone) located just outside central Kuala Lumpur. It is known as Kuala Lumpur's Little India due to the high percentage of Indian residents and businesses.
Then there is KL Central, Le Meridien Hotel, Kuala Lumpur Hilton, Temple of the Fine Arts and many more important points of Malaysia is placed as such there could not have been any other better place than Brickfields.
I was informed that the first phase of the project costing RM7 million is expected to be completed in November. It entails the development of an area from Jalan Travers to Jalan Tun Sambanthan.
The two-phase Little India project worth RM35 million involves the construction of new business premises, a parking complex, and road expansion.
There are plenty of spots for one to admire and appreciate in Little India, but then if you don’t like what you see, that does not mean everyone else don’t like it as well – “If you are happy with yourself when you look at your self in a mirror, you should not care what others have got to say, but if it’s the otherwise, then you should not blame others – its you and your eyes that is to be blamed.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank MRCB for this effort and would also like to thank all involved in this project.
My greeting also goes to the Minister of Federal Territory YB Senator Datuk Raja Nong Chik and his deputy minister YB Datuk M Saravanan for a job well done.
Thank You to his Excellency Shri Dr. Manmohan Singh and YAB Datuk Sri Mohd. Najib Tun Razak for launching LITTLE INDIA.
Monday, October 25, 2010
MENARA WARISAN ..... MY (Malaysian) VIEW.
YAB Prime Minister/Finance Minister when delivering his budget speech mentioned the following;
"We take pride in our National Icon, the Petronas Twin Towers. It signifies the spirit of Malaysia Boleh. Another landmark to be developed by Permodalan Nasional Berhad (PNB) is Warisan Merdeka, expected to be completed by 2020. This is an integrated development project comprising a 100-storey tower, the tallest in Malaysia. The project will retain Stadium Merdeka and Stadium Negara as national heritage buildings. The total cost is RM5 billion, with the tower expected to be completed by 2015"
The above development is part of the first strategy 'Reinvigorating Private Invetsment' and once of the 'High-Impact Strategic Development' project.
Y. Bhg. Tan Sri Hamad Kama Piah, the group chief executive director in his recent interview mentioned the following;
- That PNB could finance the mega development project in the city centre solely from from profits that it had made over the past three decades, he went on to say "WE ARE NOT TAKING THE GOVERNMENT'S MONEY" for the project.
- PNB epxtects an annual return of 8% to 10% from the massive property development plan, which he stressed was a well thought investment decision. Again he went on to say "IT WAS NOT A ONE-DAY THING".
- The new tower will cost RM2.5 billion to RM3 billion and is expected to be completed by 2015.
- Warisan Merdeka could house about 10,000 people or more with a total floor space of three million square ft. Y. Bhg Tan Sri also mentioned that PNB would be an anchor tenant, making Warisan Merdeka its headquarters.
Having mentioned all the above I am indeed convinced that Menara Warisan would bring in development as well as employment opportunity for many Malaysians.
The opposition has always doubted the mega projects in this country, for example;
a) When the government initiated to build the north south highway - they opposition made so much of noise and even did demonstration to object it, but today they want the government to build more highways in their states (which is run by Pakatan Rakyat).
b) When the government build the Penang Bridge, yet again they did the same thing and today, the Penang State government is interested and want the government to build teh 2nd Penang Bridge as soon as possible.
c) When the Petronas Twin Tower was build, yet again the opposition did their drama again, and today, they too bring their friends from all over the world to show off one of the worlds tallest building.
One thing for sure, the opposition have no other issues that they could find in the 2011 budget to criticise, as such they (all of them) choose the Menara Warisan subject.
Not only they are confusing the people they are also trying their best to lie and to mislead the general public.
We must look at this mega project in a positive manner and should not oppose for the sake of opposing it. We must remember, this project would not only be able to give employment opportunities for thousands of Malaysians as well as foreigners and at the same time this would again pur Malaysia in the world map on development.
We must also see the glass as half full rather than half empty.
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Timbalan Perdana Menteri dan Menteri Pelajaran [Tan Sri Dato' Haji Muhyiddin bin Haji Mohd. Yassin]: Tuan yang di-Pertua, terdapat tujuh pertanyaan yang menyentuh pelbagai aspek dalam perancangan dan pembangunan di seluruh negara. Ahli-ahli Yang Berhormat yang mengemukakan pertanyaan tersebut adalah
Yang Berhormat Hulu Selangor pada hari ini, Yang Berhormat Lubok Antu, Yang Berhormat Tanah Merah, Yang Berhormat Limbang, Yang Berhormat Kinabatangan dan Yang Berhormat Sarikei. Oleh kerana perkara yang dibangkitkan saling berkaitan dan menyentuh isu-isu pembangunan infrastruktur, maka saya mohon izin untuk menjawab kesemua pertanyaan tersebut secara serentak, Tuan Yang di-Pertua.
Tuan Yang di-Pertua: Sila.
Tan Sri Dato' Haji Muhyiddin bin Haji Mohd. Yassin: Tuan Yang di-Pertua, Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia sentiasa memberikan keutamaan dan memandang serius aspek-aspek yang menyentuh pembangunan infrastruktur di seluruh negara. Ini adalah untuk memastikan semua rakyat di negara ini tanpa mengira kaum, agama dan lokasi, diberikan hak yang sepatutnya untuk mereka dalam bidang pendidikan.
Dari jumlah tersebut, sehingga September 2010, sebanyak 9,566 projek telah berjaya disiapkan dan 5,554 projek masih dalam pelbagai peringkat pelaksanaan. Manakala projek-projek yang tidak dapat disiapkan dalam tempoh RMKe-9, ia akan disambung ke Rancangan Malaysia Kesepuluh.
Seperti yang saya telah maklumkan dalam jawapan saya yang terdahulu ketika menggulung perbahasan Rancangan Malaysia Kesepuluh, Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia akan memberikan keutamaan kepada projek-projek berdasarkan kepada keperluan dan kehendak semasa. Dalam konteks ini, Kementerian Pelajaran telah pun menggariskan empat kriteria utama dalam memberikan pertimbangan bagi pembangunan pendidikan untuk tempoh dua tahun pertama RMKe-10 ataupun dengan izin, first rolling plan. Penumpuan yang menjadikan prioriti Kementerian Pelajaran adalah seperti berikut:
(ii) memberikan fokus pada peningkatan kualiti guru dan kepimpinan;
(iii) mengutamakan peningkatan kualiti murid; dan
(iv) mengarusperdanakan pendidikan vokasional, teknik dan kemahiran.
Namun secara kasarnya, bolehlah saya nyatakan di sini bahawa kerajaan telah pun menyediakan siling peruntukan sebanyak RM8.85 bilion untuk Kementerian Pelajaran melaksanakan projek-projek pembangunan di bawah Rancangan Malaysia Kesepuluh.
Walau bagaimanapun, sebahagian daripada jumlah itu akan digunakan untuk menyambung projek-projek yang belum selesai di bawah RMKe-9 yang dianggarkan berjumlah RM5.36 bilion, selebihnya merupakan peruntukan untuk projek baru yang akan diagih-agihkan untuk penambahbaikan, naik taraf bangunan, menambahkan bangunan dan pembinaan sekolah baru.
Oleh itu untuk makluman Yang Berhormat Limbang dan Yang Berhormat Lubok Antu dan senarai akhir yang dikemukakan melalui Rancangan Malaysia Kesepuluh, memang dicadangkan pembinaan dua kelas pra sekolah di bawah projek NKRA dan penambahan bilik darjah beberapa sekolah juga akan dilaksanakan di Limbang.
Manakala Kementerian Pelajaran berpandangan pembinaan tambahan bilik darjah ataupun menaik taraf adalah lebih mendesak berbanding daripada pembinaan dewan sekolah seperti yang diminta oleh Ahli Yang Berhormat Lubok Antu. Oleh itu di bawah Rancangan Malaysia Kesepuluh ini beberapa buah sekolah akan mendapat tambahan bangunan baru iaitu bilik darjah untuk menampung keperluan dan kesesakan di beberapa sekolah di kawasan Lubok Antu.
Tuan Yang di-Pertua, di samping itu kementerian juga telah menumpukan terus projek-projek kemudahan asas yang lain. Oleh itu sebanyak 641 projek bekalan elektrik di sekolah-sekolah luar bandar termasuk di Sabah dan Sarawak dengan peruntukan sebanyak RM1.874 bilion telah pun dilaksanakan termasuk 140 projek solar hibrid yang dilaksanakan dalam dua fasa sejak tahun 2007 lagi. Manakala bagi kemudahan bekalan air bersih pula, pada tahun 2010 sebanyak 564 projek pembekalan air bersih bagi sekolah-sekolah luar bandar di seluruh negara telah dilaksanakan dengan peruntukan sebanyak RM197.7 juta.
Kemudahan asas ini akan terus diberikan perhatian dalam Rancangan Malaysia Kesepuluh bagi memastikan semua sekolah seluruh negara akan mendapat bekalan air bersih serta bekalan elektrik yang sempurna dan ia merupakan Key Performance Indicator (KPI) bagi kementerian. Saya menyedari Tuan Yang di-Pertua, masih terdapat untuk menyediakan infrastruktur yang kondusif di seluruh negara, namun saya bersyukur dan berterima kasih kepada keprihatinan kerajaan dalam membangunkan sektor pendidikan negara ini. Ini dapat dibuktikan melalui peruntukan yang dicadangkan dalam Bajet 2011 iaitu sebanyak RM86.4 bilion bagi melaksanakan pelbagai program pembangunan pendidikan dan saya amat berkeyakinan kementerian mampu untuk melaksanakan dengan penuh berhemah peruntukan yang diberikan tanpa meminggirkan mana-mana pihak.
Yang Amat Berhormat Menteri ada menyentuh berkenaan pengauditan terhadap sekolah-sekolah dalam menentukan pembangunan infrastruktur. Saya ada dua soalan susulan di sini Yang Amat Berhormat Menteri, soalan saya yang pertama Yang Amat Berhormat Menteri, bagaimanakah caranya Kementerian Pelajaran dapat memastikan hanya sekolah-sekolah yang benar-benar mengalami kerosakan teruk dan memerlukan perhatian segera dapat diutamakan dan yang kedua pula, apakah jaminan yang akan diberikan oleh Kementerian Pelajaran supaya tidak ada soal pilih kasih dalam pengagihan peruntukan ini dapat dilaksanakan, terima kasih.
Dato’ Seri Anwar Ibrahim [Permatang Pauh]: Terima kasih, saya sambut baik penjelasan Yang Amat Berhormat Menteri Pelajaran sepatutnya pendidikan mengenai langkah-langkah yang diambil dan prinsip Democratization of The Access Quality Education memang diterima pakai sehingga sekarang dengan izin. Yang Amat Berhormat Menteri membicarakan soal pengauditan, saya hendak tanya apakah mungkin daripada penjelasan umum begitu diadakan target yang jelas. Satu tahun maksimum untuk kita menyediakan bekalan elektrik, air, prasarana asas seperti tandas bagi semua sekolah di desa, pendalaman yang tidak mempunyai kemudahan tersebut.
Tidak perlu kita menjadi jaguh Melayu dan bumiputera kalau perkara asas ini pun Yang Berhormat Sri Gading tidak boleh kita selesaikan. Jadi sebab itu saya minta pertama, jaminan Yang Amat Berhormat Menteri kerana sekurang-kurangnya saya ucapkan tahniah ada pengauditan yang jelas. Boleh tidak dalam tempoh satu tahun, hal ini diselesaikan?
Itu matlamat kita - jelas. Kita tidak mengira sesiapa - di bandar, di luar bandar, baik ia bumiputera dan bukan bumiputera. Ini sudah pun kita amal sejak Yang Berhormat juga dahulu menjadi Menteri Pendidikan sekarang sudah jadi Menteri Pelajaran, itu komitmen kita.
Akan tetapi memang saya bersetuju bahawa antara perkara-perkara yang kita fikir agak mendesak ialah soal pembekalan elektrik. Oleh kerana saya sedar kalau tidak ada kemudahan seperti itu jadi dia menjejaskan mutu pendidikan dan pembelajaran.
Bekalan air bersih dan juga soal tandas yang cukup dan sempurna. Ini pun dalam auditan kita, kita sudah dapat maklumat yang saya sebutkan tadi - 5% laporan daripada sekolah yang diaudit memerlukan pendawaian elektrik semula. Jangan dengan sebab tidak dibuat begitu maka sekolah itu akan mengalami kebakaran - nauzubillah kerana wayarnya tripped ataupun menyebabkan kebakaran ini kita hendak elakkan.
Akan tetapi hendak selesaikan dalam tempoh setahun ini kalau boleh ada tongkat sakti, insya-Allah boleh selesai. Akan tetapi kita tidak ada begitu. Satu peruntukan yang kita ada sebagai mana Yang Berhormat luluskan di Parlimen pun begitu besar. Akan tetapi saya maklumkan Yang Berhormat Menteri Kewangan sejumlah itu pun masih tidak mencukupi kerana jumlah yang kita perlukan jauh lebih besar. Waktu kita mengemukakan peruntukan ke Kementerian Kewangan kita memohon sejumlah dua kali lebih besar dengan apa yang telah pun disenaraikan untuk diluluskan di Parlimen.
Akan tetapi priority mesti diberikan sebab itu sebagai mana yang saya sebutkan untuk bekalan elektrik ada dua pendekatan yang kita ambil. Pertama, Kementerian Pelajaran sendiri saya telah pun senaraikan tadi dan kita telah beritahu terutamanya di negeri Sabah. Kita dapati di situ memang ada keperluan untuk kita menguruskan soal bekalan elektrik yang lebih cekap di Sabah dan juga di Sarawak selain daripada kawasan-kawasan lain. Bekalan air, ia ialah dengan satu peruntukan di bawah kementerian dan kita akan selaraskan dengan Kementerian Luar Bandar dan Wilayah yang di bawah NKRA bertanggungjawab untuk memberi bekalan dan kemudahan kemudahan air bersih dan elektrik ini.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
I was able to ask the following question to the Deputy Prime Minister of Malaysia who is also the Education Minister;
I asked the Minister of Education to state whether the Ministry realizes that some schools in the country still lack proper infrastructure facility such as water and electricity supply, toilets and classrooms. The steps taken to tackle the issue;
I would provide a detailed answer from YAB Minister of Education tomorrow, in the meantime, let me share some pointers of the answers from YAB Minister of Education.
1. Under the 9th Malaysian Plan ablut 15,000 projects worth RM26.132 Billion was approved. As at September 2010 9,566 project was completed and 5,554 is in the process of completion. Projects which could not be completed by end of this year, would be done so under the 10th Malaysian Plan.
2. Out of the 55,000 school buildings which was audited throughout the country 3% of the building has got some serious building damages and 5% of the buildings has some electrical wiring problems and this would be ractified soon.
3. The Ministry would give importance to build class rooms more than building school halls.
4. RM1.874 Billion was spent on 641 schools in the rural area for electricity projects out of which 140 has been installed Solar Hybrid systems. RM197.7 Million was spent on 564 schools to provide them with clean water. The Ministry would continue to do so.
Monday, October 18, 2010
MY FIRST BUDGET DEBATE @ 18:18 hours on 18th OCTOBER 2010
Setelah membaca dan meneliti dengan rapi Bajet tahun 2011, saya sangat yakin bahawa Bajet ini mempunyai kesemua ciri-ciri yang diperlukan untuk meningkatkan lagi tahap sosial, ekonomi dan taraf hidup serta kemakmuran semua penduduk negara Malaysia yang bertuah ini.
Kesemua aspek yang diberikan tumpuan dalam rancangan ini akan membolehkan kita memerdekakan diri daripada menjadi sebuah negara yang terjerat sebagai negara berpendapatan sederhana dan melakukan trasformasi paradigma ke arah menjadi sebuah negara berpendapatan tinggi yang mempunyai daya saing kental yang mampu menyahut cabaran-cabaran globelisma dengan berjaya.
Bajet tahun 2011 mempunyai keseimbangan yang menyeluruh dan merangkumi kesemua segi kehidupan rakyat jelata. Bajet yang komprehensif ini menunjukkan semangat kerajaan Barisan Nasional untuk mengharungi segara rintangan dan dugaan yang menghalang hala tuju Malaysia untuk menjadi negara dunia pertama menjelang 2020. Intipati bajet 2011 juga berdebar dengan inspirasi laungan 1Malaysia, tiada sesiapa pun yang akan ketinggalan (melainkan mereka sengaja hendak ditinggalkan) dalam proses trasformasi negara dan belanjawan 2011 mempamerkan kommitment kerajaan untuk mempraktikan konsep 1Malaysia – Rakyat Di dahulukan ; Pencapaian Di utamakan.
Kesemua bidang yang diberikan pertolongan oleh kerajaan dalam belanjawan ini merentasi perbezaan bangsa dan agama dan adalah demonstrasi kukuh kerajaan 1Malaysia yang memeluk segala impian dan aspirasi rakyat tanpa mengira pebezaan etnik dan agama.
Tuan Yang Dipertua;
Bajet tahun depan tidak menaikkan cukai untuk mereka-mereka yang merokok dan meminum arak. Malaysia merupakan negara 10 terbesar dalam pengambilan alkhohol di dunia, situasi ini berlaku walaupun Malaysia mempunyai cukai yang tinggi untuk kebanyakkan jenis alkhohol ini dan adalah antara cukai yang paling tinggi di dunia untuk minuman keras, mungkin ini merupakan sebab utama mengapa Kerajaan tidak mencadangkan untuk menaikkan cukai – yang saya rasa boleh di terima.
Walaubagaimanapun ada sejenis minuman keras khasnya dengan izin “compounded hard liquor” atau lebih dikenali dengan nama samsu yang cukainya tidak cukup tinggi. Alkohol jenis ini adalah sangat pekat dan peratusan alkohol yang tinggi iaitu di rantau 40%. Minuman jenis ini tiada proses pematangan dan juga mengandungi perisa serta karamel dan gula. Penyalahgunaan alkohol jenis ini adalah suatu masalah yang memudaratkan yang sedang berlaku di negara kita sekian lama khasnys antara golongon berpendapatan rendah (pendapatan bawah RM 1600 sebulan). Antara sebab alchohol jenis ini adalah sangat meluas adalah harganya adalah sangat murah berbanding minuman keras lain serta ianya mudah diperolehi di merata tempat seperti kedai ubat, pasar mini dan pasar raya. Harganya yang begitu murah membuatnya pilihan utama antara mereka yang mengamati tabiat minuman keras ini antara golongan berpendapatan rendah. Harganya untuk setiap hidangan adalah hanya RM1.20 berbanding RM5.60 satu hidangan untuk arak bir dan RM7.27 untuk minuman keras berkualiti premium.
Masalah penyalahgunaan samsu ini dalalah masalah yang bukan hanya tertumpu kepada satu segmen masyarakat tetapi adalah masalah nasional yang akan membawa padah kepada negara kita secara umumnya dari aspek social, kesihatan, dan juga ekonomi. Mereka yang menyalahgunakan alcohol jenis samsu ini telah menjadi hamba kepada tabiat ini dan akibatnya adalah mereka tidak lagi boleh bekerja pada tahap optima dan produktiviti mereka akan menurun. Selain itu tabiat ini juga menjadi punya banyak gejala sosial khasnya yang membawa kesan negative kepada keluarga mereka yang terlalu banyak ketagih kepada minuman samsu ini. Stesyen television AL Jazeera telah membuat suatu rencana yang menunjukkan pelbagai kesan negative tabiat ini yang telah menonjolkan betapa seriusnya masalah ini. Mereka telah mendapati bahawa kes kes kekerasan dalam institusi keluarga dimana tabiat meminum alcohol ini berleluasa. Selain itu masalah kesihatan jangka panjang dan serius juga didapati antara mereka yang menjadi ketagih minuman keras ini. Selain itu rencana tersebut juga telah menunjukkan yang penyalahgunaan arak ini juga akan menjana suatu persekitaran yang negative untuk mendidik generasi muda anak anak mereka untuk menjadi berjaya.
Saya ingin mencadangkan kepada pihak kerajaan untuk mengambil tindakan untuk mengatasi masalah penyalahgunnan arak samsu ini dengan memperkenalkan cukai exsais yang lebih tinggi supaya arak ini tidak begitu murah untuk diperolehi. Langkah ini sangat penting untuk memastikan supaya masalah ini tidak menjadi lebih runcing dan juga menjadi pemangkin untuk memastikan mereka yang terjerumus dengan tabiat ini tidak dapat minum terlalu banyak hinggakan mereka kehilangan kesihatan dan hidup keluarga mereka. Karajaan mempunyai tanggunjawab untuk menyekat masalah arak ini supaya generasi muda tidak menjadi mangsa kepada mereka yang cendorong dalam tabiat meminum samsu ini. Harga yang lebih tinggi juga akan memamstikan yang mereka yang belum mencuba arak ini mungkin tidak akan mencubanya dan ini sangat penting kerana dijangka bahawa pengguna samsu ini akan meningkat 3% hingga 5% dari tahun 2009 hingga 2014.
Tuan Yang diPertua;
Keselematan Negera merupakan benteng kekuatan Malaysia – tanah tumpahnya darah ku ini. Kita tidak harus mengadaikan keselamatan negara semata-mata untuk menjadi popular. Justeru, Saya ingin mengucapkan terima kasih kepada YAB Perdana Menteri serta kerajaan Barisan Nasional atas peruntukkan RM 350 juta yang yang dikelolakan kepada Polis DiRaja Malaysia. Peruntukkan ini menunjukkan betapa tegasnya ikhtibar kerajaan untuk mewujudkan persekitaran yang selamat dan aman untuk masyarakat umum negara. Peruntukkan ini juga adalah pengiktirafan kepada prestasi membanggakan Polis DiRaja Malaysia yang telah berjaya menurunkkan indeks jenayah jalanan sebanyak 38% serta menurunkan indeks jenayah keseluruhan sebanyak 16% dalam tempoh Sembilan bulan pertama 2010. Syabas diucapkan kepada Polis DiRaja Malaysia dan Kementerian Dalam Negeri atas kejayaan ini dan diharap peruntukan ini akan membawa kepada kejayaan yang lebih besar pada masa hadapan. Disini saya ingin mengilhamkan suatu konsep untuk merperluaskan pengaruh Polis DiRaja Malaysia kedalam kehidupan pelajar pelajar negara kita.
Tuan Yang DiPertua;
Tidak dapat dinafikan yang masa depan negara yang disayangi kita berada dalam tangan generasi muda yang kini berada di bangku sekolah. Generasi ini akan mewarisi negara kita pada suatu hari kelak dan ia adalah tanggungjawab kita semua untuk memastikan yang mereka dilengkapi dengan kesemua ciri-ciri keperibadian dan sahsiah yang unggul. Alangkah malangnya tahap disiplin di banyak sekolah ada pada tahap yang tidak begitu memuaskan. Walaupun terdapat banyak faktor yang telah menyumbang kepada situasi ini seperti peranan ibu-bapa, dunia serba moden di mana arus maklumat tidak terbatas boleh didapati namun saya ingin mencadangkan cara untuk memperkasakan peranan Polis DiRaja Malaysia dalam sistem persekolahan negara kita. Secara semulajadi kebanyakkan insan dan khasnya pelajar mempunyai rasa hormat dan terpesona dengan mereka yang menjadi anggota polis. Saya ingin mencadangkan kepada kerajaan untuk mengambil kesempatan untuk memulakan satu unit (Contoh; Unit Polis Sekolah) yang hanya menumpukan perhatiannya terhadap pelajar-pelajar sekolah. Unit baru ini boleh dimodal selepas unit khas yang sedia ada yang tertumpu kepada isu-isu pelancong iaitu polis pelancong. Tanggunjawab unit ini adalah hanya untuk merapati golongan pelajar ini dan mempengaruhi mereka untuk menjadi pelajar yang baik serta warganegara yang menghormati serta mengikuti undang undang negara dan sekolah. Selain itu pihak polis yang ditugaskan kepada setiap sekolah juga akan menjadi dengan izin “deterent force” kepada pelajar yang sering melanggar undang- undang sekolah seperti memonteng sekolah dan bergiat dalam activiti gangsterisme. Mekanisme pihak polis merapati dan mengawasi pelajar pelajar sekolah ini pasti akan membawa kesan yang positif dan memupuk tahap disiplin yang lebih tinggi di kalangan pelajar pelajar sekolah negara kita. Ini secara langsung akan membawa generasi muda yang lebih bertanggunjawab dan suasana persekolahan yang lebih kondusif untuk mencapai keputusan akedemik yang tinggi.
Tuan Yang DiPertua;
Saya juga ingin mengambil kesempatan ini untuk mengucapkan syabas dan terima kasih kepada YAB Perdana Menteri dan kerajaan Malaysian atas usaha mereka membangunkan infrastuktur sekolah-sekolah bantuan modal diseluruh negara yang merangkumi sekolah bantuan modal agama, mubaligh, tamil dan cina. Peruntukkan sebanyak RM250 juta ini menunjukkan ketelusan dan keikhlasan kerajaan dalam menyediakkan persekitaran pembelajaran yang optima untuk semua pelajar tidak kira bangsa dan agama. Peruntukan sebegini menunjukkan perwatakkkan konsep 1Malaysia yang disebut-sebut oleh pelbagai lapisan masyarakat negara kita. Ini adalah bukti kukuh yang kerajaan sedang mempraktikan slogan 1Malaysia dan ianya bukan hanya retorik politik semata-mata. Disini saya juga ingin meminta pihak kerajaan untuk cuba walaupun tidak segera tetapi bermula dengan proses menukarkan kesemua sekolah separa bantuan kepada sekolah bantuan penuh. Langkah ini akan membolehkan sekolah-sekolah tersebut mendapat bantuan dengan lebih mudah serta mengurangkan beban ibu bapa pelajar-pelajar sekolah separa bantuan
Tuan Yang DiPertua;
Memang tidak dapat di nafikan, kerajaan sepatutnya menjadi punca utama dalam proses pembangunan sekolah dan infrastukturnya namun sudah tiba masa untuk mendapatkan penyertaan yang lebih mantap daripada masyarakat umum serta sektor swasta untuk lebih giat melibatkan diri dalam proses memartabatkan suasana dan infrastuktur sekolah di kawasan mereka. Satu cara untuk menggalakkkan sifat pro aktif ini adalah dengan membenarkan segala derma dan sumbangan kepada sekolah sekolah menjadi dengan izin “tax exemption” atau pengecualian cukai untuk sumbangan tersebut. Ini secara langsung akan menjadi pemangkin untuk sector swasta dan individu untuk menghulurkan sumbangan kepada sekolah-sekolah yang memerlukannya. Untuk memastikan tidak hanya satu jenis sekolah atau sekolah tertentu tidak mendapat semua sumbangan mungkin pihak kerajaan boleh meletakkan satu “cap” atau tahap maksima sesuatu sumbangan kepada RM 10 000. Ini akan memastikan yang pengagihan yang lebih saksama dan adil berlaku apabila sumbangan ini disalurkan. Saya juga ingin mencadangkan yang pihak kerajaan cuba mengintegrasi konsep 1Malaysia dalam memulakan kempen derma pengecualian cukai ini. Satu cara untuk membuat sedemikian adalah pihak swasta dan individu yang ingin membuat sumbangan digalakkan untuk berbuat demikian kepada sekolah yang memerlukannya dan bukan hanya kepada sekolah yang sama jenis dengan bangsa mereka. Dengan cara ini bukan sahaja masyarakat umum boleh menjadi penyumbang kepada meningkatkan kualiti suasana pembelajaran tetapi juga memupuk semangat 1Malaysia dimana semua yang mermerlukan bantuan akan ditolong tidak kira bangsa, agama dan keturunan kerana pada pucuk akarnya semua pelajar dimana-mana sekolah adalah anak-anak ibu Malaysia.
Tuan Yang DiPertua;
Saya juga ingin mengambil kesempatan untuk mengucapkan terima kasih kepada YAB Perdana Menteri atas peruntukkan beliau sebanyak RM 166 juta untuk mengatasi masalah yang berkaitan dengan kebajikan golongan warga emas negara kita. Peruntukan ini menunjukkan keprihatinan kerajaan terhadap warga negara yang telah membina negara kita dengan titik peluh dan darah mereka. Peruntukan tersebut adalah tepat dan amat wajar untuk memastikan warga emas negara kita tidak bersusah payah pada usia emas mereka.
Mengikut statistik Kementerian Wanita, Keluarga dan Masyarakat terdapat lebih kurang 2 juta warga emas di negara kita menjelang tahun 2009. Warga emas ini adalah generasi yang telah menyumbang banyak ke arah pembangunan negara kita sehingga kemakmuran yang kita sedang menikmati pada hari ini. Seluruh negara patut berhutang budi kepada segala pengorbanan dan sumbangan yang telah mereka buat. Alangkah malangnya segala sumbangan mereka sebagai pemimpin keluarga tidak dibalas dengan kasih sayang yang sepatutnya. Kes kes dimana ibu bapa dibiarkan tinggal bersendirian dan dihantar ke rumah orang orang tua dan kebajikan kian meningkat. Ini bukan satu fenomena yang patut dibanggakan dan pastinya bukannya adat dan budaya orang timur. Ia adalah tanggungjawab serta berkat seseorang anak untuk memastikan ibu bapanya dijaga dan segala keperluan mereka disediakan. Satu cara untuk membalikkan kecenderungan ini adalah untuk pihak kerajaan memberikan insentif cukai untuk mereka yang menjaga ibu bapa mereka di rumah mereka sendiri. Insentif cukai ini boleh perpandukan kepada model incentif cukai yang kita gunakkan untuk ibu-bapa yang menjaga anak-anak mereka. Dengan cara ini lebih ramai anak-anak akan mendapat galakkan untuk memastikan yang ibu-bapa mereka dijaga di rumah mereka sendiri dan tidak dihantar ke rumah orang tua atau ditinggalkan sendiri. Kepada mereka yang betul-betul tidak mempunyai kebolehan kewangan untuk menjaga ibu bapa mereka, mereka boleh menghantar permohonan kepada Kementerian Wanita, Keluarga dan Masyarakat untuk menyatakan ketidakupayaan mereka dan jika pihak kementerian mendapat permohonan mereka boleh di beri kelulusan berdasarkan kepada situasi, Kementerian boleh menghantar surat yang akan membolehkan mereka menghantar ibu-bapa mereka ke rumah orang tua. Jikalau surat daripada Kementerian tidak dikeluarkan maka ibu bapa tersebut tidak patut diterima sebagai penghuni sah dimana-mana rumah orang tua dan rumah kebajikan. Mekanisme insentif cukai dan surat dari kementerian ini adalah batu lonjatan yang amat perlu untuk memastikan yang warga emas negara kita tidak diabaikan dan sengsara pada usia lanjut mereka serta menjadi pendorong kepada anak-anak supaya menjaga ibu-bapa yang telah banyak berkorban untuk kebaikkan mereka.
Tuan Yang DiPertua;
Langkah kerajaan untuk memperuntukkan RM 50 juta untuk membantu golongan pekerja estet memilikki rumah sendiri adalah lagi satu langkah yang patut disanjungi yang terkandung dalam bajet 2011 ini. Sekalung penghargaan kepada Yang Amat Berhormat Perdana Menteri yang amat perihatin kepada nasib pekerja-pekarja ladang dan isu perumahan kepada mereka. Golongan ini telah lama menabur bakti di estet estet dan menyumbang kepada pembangunan negara kita dan ada diantara mereka yang masih tidak mempunyai sebuah rumah untuk dipanggil rumah sendiri walaupun sudah bekerja di estet-estet ini lebih 50 tahun dan merentasi tiga generasi keluarga mereka. Langkah ini menunjukkan betapa kerajaan menghargai sumbangan mereka kepada proses pembangunan negara dan pasti disambut baik oleh golongnan pekerja estet. Namun, saya ingin mencadangkan kepada pihak kerajaan supaya satu badan khas ditubuhkan untuk memantau supaya bantuan kewangan dibawah skim pembiayaan rumah kos rendah untuk golongan pekerja estet ini sampai kepada mereka yang benar benar memerlukannya dan wajar menerimanya. Langkah ini adalah untuk memastikkan yang implementasi rancangan mulia kerajaan ini adalah sejajar dengan aspirasi kerajaan untuk membantu golongan tersebut.
Tuan Yang DiPertua;
Langkah kerajaan untuk memperuntukkan RM 250 juta kearah memperkasakan Malaysia sebagai pilihan utama pelancong adalah satu langkah yang bijak dan mempunyai dasar pandangan jauh yang amat wajar. Negara kita telah dianugerahkan pelbagai jenis flora dan fauna serta alam sekitar yang unik dan penuh keindahan. Selain itu kita sebagai sebuah negara mempunyai infrastuktur yang amat baik serta populasi yang berhemah dan berpendididkan. Masyarakat kita yang berbilang kaum, bangsa dan agama adalah lagi satu keunikkan yang boleh diambil kesempatan untuk menarik pelancong. Malaysia diberkati dengan hutan tropical yang berjuta-juta tahun lamanya serta pantai-pantai yang keindahannya tidak terhingga. Kerajaan akur dengan potensi pelancongan negara kita dan telah mengambil langkah yang tepat untuk menigkatkan jumlah pelancong ke negara kita yang telah menyumbang lebih daripaada RM 50 billion pada tahun 2009. Aspirasi kerajaan dalam membangunankan pasaran pelancong pasti akan mencapai kejayaan dan mampu menjadi penjana ekonomi yang sangat penting dan lumayan kepada negara kita. Saya ingin meminta pihak kerajaan untuk menyalurkan pelaburan daripada peruntukkan RM85 juta ke kawasan Hulu Selangor untuk menyediakan infrastuktur seperti hotel dan resort peranginan. Hulu Selangor adalah suatu tempat yang potensinya untuk dibagunankan sebagai destinasi pelancongan belum direalasasikan dan saya ingin meminta pihak kerajaan untuk membantu dalam proses menukar Hulu Selangor menjadi tapak pelancongan yang premium. Hulu Selangor mempunyai banyak tempat yang keindahhannya mempegunkan. Terdapat hulan belanatra yang sesuai untuk “nature trek” dan “hike” seperti Bukit Kutu yang potensinya belum pada tahap optima. Selain itu Sungai Pertak juga boleh dibangunankan lagi kerana keindahnya air terjunya serta sungainya yang sesuai untuk aktiviti “white water rafting”. Kolam air pertak adalah lagi satu tempat yang sangat indah dan mempunyai daya menarik pelancong, dikatakan yang air di dalam kolamnya mempunyai kebolehan untuk menyembuhkan pelbagai keasakitan dan keaibaan badan. Kawasan sekitar empangan Selangor juga mempunyai potensi yang hebat untuk dibangunkan sebagai destinasi eco tourism yang unggul. Ia adalah harapan saya yang pihak kerajaan menolong membangunankan Hulu Selangor sebagai destinasi pelancong kerana potensinya amat besar untuk menjadi penjana ekonomi kepada rakyat tempatan dan industri pelancongan.
Tuan Yang DiPertua,
Kepreihatinan YAB Perdana Menteri terhadap golong belia terserlah apabila kerajaan telah memperuntukkan sujumlah RM60 juta untuk program memperkasakan Kemahiran Industri di Pusat Pembangunan Kemahiran Negeri dan pada masa yang sama sejumlah RM220 juta di peruntukkan kepada graduan-graduan daripada jurusan lain untuk memastikan bahawa mereka bersiap-sedia untuk menceburi dalam bidang-bidang yang lain, sementera itu sebanyak RM474 juta diagihkan untuk mengukuhkan keupayaan kemahiran belia yang tidak mempunyai kelayakan ijazah yang termasuk pelajar lepasan sekolah, belia dan juga pekerja-pekerja.
Apa yang lebih manis ialah, peluang ini dapat di nikmati oleh semua belia di Malaysia tak kira agama, bangsa dan juga etnik mereka – sekali lagi konsep 1Malaysia berkumandang dalam Bajet 2011.
Tuan Yang DiPertua;
Saya ingin melafazkan penghargaan kepada kerajaan Barisan Nasional yang di pimpin oleh YAB Dato’ Seri Mohd. Najib bin Tun Razak kerana langkahnya dalam pemperuntukan RM 2OO juta untuk menawarkan kelas sebelah malam untuk pelbagai bahasa dan muzik, langkah ini pasti diterima baik oleh semua pelosok masyarakat yang ingin mempelajari bahasa ibunda mereka atatu bahasa tambahan serta muzik. Langkah ini sekali lagi mununjukkan yang kerajaan menekan untuk pembangunan sejagat kesemua masyarakat di Malaysia dan bersifat 1Malaysia. Saya ingin melontarkan cadangkan kepada pihak kerajaan untuk memberikan peluang dan menggaji semula cikgu-cikgu yang sudah bersara untuk menjalankkan kelas kelas tersebut. Ini akan membolehkan warga cikgu yang telah bersara ini suplemen pendapatan mereka selain sumber pendapatan pension.
Tuan Yang DiPertua;
Saya berpendapat bahawa Belanjawan 2011 adalah sebuah Belanjawan yang dirancang dengan teliti serta yang komprehensif dan menyeluruh. Bajet ini mempunyai ciri ciri yang mampu menyemarakkkan kedudukan Malaysia sebagai sebuah negara yang mempunyai daya saing untuk bertarung dalam gelanggang dunia yang penuh dengan serba kompetitif. Perancangan tersusun dan semangat Bajet ini akan memberikan kerajaan semua peralatan untuk menempuhi segala rintangan dan dugaan. Bajet ini juga adalah bukti yang 1Malaysia adalah kenyataan yang sebati dengan prinsip dan jiwa kerajaan BN.
Tuan YangDiPertua;
Tiada siapa yang akan terpinggir selain daripada beberapa rakan pembangkan serta penyokong mereka yang tidak tahu bagaimana untuk menghargai,
kebaikkan daripada keburukan,
yang benar daripada yang menipu,
yang berjaya membentuk kerajaan daripada yang berangan-angan untuk membentuk kerajaan
dan mereka jugalah yang tidak dapat menikmati Malaysia yang gemilang yang bakal menjadi hasil Bajet ini.
Pengagihan yang bijak peruntukkan bajet ini akan menjadi stimuli untuk negara kita melakukan tranformasi berjaya dalam segala aspek kepentingan dan kemakmuran nasional negara kita. Saya juga ingin mengucapkan setinggi tinggi tahniah dan terima kasih kepada YAB perdana menteri Malaysia Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak serta kabinet yang diterajui beliau yang telah berjaya mewujudkan Bajet yang berwibawa ini. Saya juga ingin mengambil peluang ini untuk mengucapakan terima kasih kepada Jawatankuasa Kabinet Khas untuk kaum India yang telah memberikan sumbangan kepada pembentukkan bajet yang pasti menyentuh hati dan hidup masyarakat india di negara kita. Akhir sekali dengan izin `Yellam Pugalum Iraivanekay’ maksudnya segala puji-pujian dan kesyukuran kepada tuhan yang maha penyayang kerana memberikan saya peluang memeta masa depan negara yang tercinta kita Malaysia. Saya berdoa agar segala impian dan objektif Bajet 2011 akan direalasasikan secepat mungkin dan sejaya mungkin.
Sekian Terima kasih dan saya mohon cadang untuk menerima Bajet 2011.